After some more debugging, it looks like it takes about one second to
process each augeas block, so putting all the statements in one block
speeds things up a lot.

Are there any other ways to do this? I want to be able to check if the
mount point exists before I try change...


On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Alexander Holte-Davidsen <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I using Augeas to handle dump and passno for certain mount points in
> /etc/fstab. Each mount point is defined as it's own augeas block:
>                                         augeas { 'homeLV':
>                                                 context =>
> '/files/etc/fstab',
>                                                 changes => [
>                                                         'set *[file =
> "/home"]/dump 0',
>                                                         'set *[file =
> "/home"]/passno 0',
>                                         ],
>                                                 onlyif => 'match *[file =
> "/home"] size > 0',
>                                         }
>                                         augeas { 'optLV':
>                                                 context =>
> '/files/etc/fstab',
>                                                 changes => [
>                                                         'set *[file =
> "/opt"]/dump 0',
>                                                         'set *[file =
> "/opt"]/passno 0',
>                                                 ],
>                                                 onlyif => 'match *[file =
> "/opt"] size > 0',
>                                         }
> This code is taking a very long to to process, about 10 seconds for six
> mount points. When running a debug run, I can see that /etc/fstab is opened
>  for each augeas code block, also when no change is needed.
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /home,
> lens path , flags 0
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): Augeas version 0.10.0 is installed
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): Will attempt to save and only run
> if files changed
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): sending command 'set' with params
> ["/files/etc/fstab/*[file = \"/home\"]/dump", "0"]
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): sending command 'set' with params
> ["/files/etc/fstab/*[file = \"/home\"]/passno", "0"]
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): Skipping because no files were
> changed
> debug: Augeas[varLV](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas connection
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /opt, lens
> path , flags 0
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): Augeas version 0.10.0 is installed
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): Will attempt to save and only run
> if files changed
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): sending command 'set' with params
> ["/files/etc/fstab/*[file = \"/opt\"]/dump", "0"]
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): sending command 'set' with params
> ["/files/etc/fstab/*[file = \"/opt\"]/passno", "0"]
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): Skipping because no files were
> changed
> debug: Augeas[srvLV](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas connection
> Are there any obvious ways to speed this up? For example better checking
> before the code is executed? Putting all the mount point changes in one
> augeas block would probably speed things up a bit, but then I would not be
> able to use the onlyif-statement per mount point?
> Regards,
> Alexander

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