
I'm a newbie puppet user, and I'm facing some weird behaviour in my testing 
I'm using Debian packages from testing/Wheezy (version 2.7.18) via 
apache+passenger installation. Also:

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [x86_64-linux]

I developed the following custom function (with some help from Google) to 
generate the shadow password of any new user:

module Puppet::Parser::Functions
  newfunction(:shadow_pwd, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
    passwd = args[0]
    case args[1]
    when 'md5'
      algo = '$1$'
    when 'blowfish'
      algo = '$2$'
    when 'sha256'
      algo = '$5$'
    when 'sha512'
      algo = '$6$'
    o =  [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),('0'..'9')].map{|i| i.to_a}.flatten
    salt = (0..8).map{ o[rand(o.length)] }.join
    hash = passwd.crypt(algo + salt)

it takes two arguments, the cleartext password and the algorithm to encrypt 

So, with this setup, on every run of the puppet agent, a new shadow 
password was assigned to the user. Well, in fact it was always the same 
cleartext password, but as the salt was different on every run, the shadow 
password of the user was different too, and puppet updated the user 
password accordingly.

Here comes a new class, puppet, to manage the agent configuration on every 
node. I chose to run puppet agent via cron task, and in order to prevent 
every agent try to get the catalog at the same time, I use the following 
code snippet (picket up online):

$first  = fqdn_rand(30)
$second = $first + 30
cron {'puppet':
  command => '/usr/bin/puppet agent --no-daemon --onetime',
  user    => 'root',
  minute  => [$first,$second],
  ensure  => present,
  require => Class['puppet::install'],

This works OK too, it creates a new task in the crontab file of user root, 
executing the command twice an hour, always on the same two minutes.

But then I realized the shadow password of the users were not being updated 
anymore (only when I change the cleartext password). After some debugging, 
I found out that the salt was always the same! Further debugging led me to 
the definition of the fqdn_rand function, and the culprit seems to be this 


which sets the seed used for the rand function.

After all this stuff, what should I do? Is it a bug in fqdn_rand? Because 
after using it, rand loses its randomness. Or, is it my fault for not 
setting the seed in my custom function? If so, how and where should a set 
the seed so it works as before using fqdn_rand?

Thanks in advance for your answers. Greetings.

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