On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 05:10:20PM -0700, Douglas Garstang wrote:
> How can I pass an array to a define? It's not documented in the puppet
> language guide.
> I've got:
> define lvm::create_vg ( $pvdisks ) {
>     exec {
>         'pvcreate':
>             command => "/sbin/pvcreate -yf $pvdisks",
>             unless  => "/sbin/pvdisplay $pvdisks",
>            ...
>     }
> }
> class someclass {
>     lvm::create_vg {
>         'bcvg01':
>             pvdisks => ['/dev/xvdb1', '/dev/xvdc1'];
>     }
> }
> Inside the define, $pvdisks gets expanded to '/dev/xvdb1/dev/xvdc1'
> Doug.

Inside your define $pvdisks is whatever you passed as the pvdisks
parameter, so in your case $pvdisks *is* an array. But in the unless
parameter you use the array in a string context so all your items are
concatenated. Unfortunately puppet does not have a join function to
convert an array to a string.

On the other hand it may not be desired to destroy every disk you pass
as in the pvdisks array if only one of the disks is not a LVM disk (as
pvdisplay returns with a non-zero exitcode as soon as one disk is not
recognized to be a LVM disk)

So the best approach is probably to get the LVM puppet plugin and
replace your exec with

    physical_volume { $pvdisks:
      ensure => present,

The physical_volume is a new type that comes with the LVM plugin.

[1] http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/lvm


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