Short version: use a define.

But did you mean to have unbalanced quotes here? There's an extra single quote.

file { "/myappbase/applis/conf"':

Regardless of whether you use a define or a class, you can't define the same 
file resource twice.

In the first resource, this:


Will end up with the contents of:


And in the second one, it will end up with these contents:


You'll have to pick one per node.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 08:41:12AM -0700, Rost wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    I'm developing  my own module, and i want to declare same resources in
>    different class like this :
>    This resource is used to configure my Jboss server by copying conf files
>    in /myappbase/applis/conf
>    class srhjboss::config::applis {
>      file { "/myappbase/applis/conf":
>                    ensure  => directory,
>                    notify  => Class['srhjboss::service'],
>                    recurse         => true,
>                    source  => 'puppet:///modules/srhjboss/communs',
>      }
>    }
>    The second class and resource is used to deploy the conf file of my war
>    application like this :
>    class srhdeployit::war {
>      file { "/myappbase/applis/conf"':
>                      ensure  => present,
>                      source  => "puppet://puppet/srnrepo/myappname",
>                      recurse         => true,
>      }
>    }
>    then i include the class in the node
>    node default {
>       include srhjboss::config::applis
>       include srhdeployit::war
>    I got the exact failure : 
>    err: Failed to apply catalog: Cannot alias File[ ' ' ] to
>    ["/sirhen/applis/conf"] at
>    /etc/puppet/modules/srhjboss/manifests/config/applis.pp:47; resource
>    ["File", "/sirhen/applis/conf"] already declared at
>    /etc/puppet/modules/srhdeployit/manifests/war.pp:44
>    Do you have suggestions on how to do it?
>    Thanks
>    --
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