I tried to conditionally run etckeeper at the end of a puppet run.

For that I defined the following class :
class os::etckeeper::commit {
    $cmd = "$operatingsystem" ? {
        'debian' => '/usr/sbin/etckeeper',
        default => '/usr/bin/etckeeper',
    exec {"etckeeper commit":
        command     => "${cmd} commit -m 'puppet run'",
        cwd         => "/etc",
        provider    => 'posix',
        returns     => [0,1],
        refreshonly => true,
    File    <|  |> ~> Exec['etckeeper commit']
    User    <|  |> ~> Exec['etckeeper commit']
    Group   <|  |> ~> Exec['etckeeper commit']
    Service <|  |> ~> Exec['etckeeper commit']

But with the file selector, it fails with :
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
undefined method `<<' for {}:Hash on node mynode

If I removed only this one, everything is fine.

What might prevent the file selector to work ?

Is that a bug in puppet or in my head ?

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