Hi @all,

does anyone manage the NSClient++ deployment with puppet? I have the
strange behavior that I can distribute the installation package to the
target server and install the package with the MSI provider. The relevant
code is here:

  if $windows {
    file {
      ensure => directory, mode => 0770,
      owner => "Administrators", group => "Administrators";

      ensure => present, mode => 0660,
      owner => "Administrators", group => "Administrators",
      require => File["c:/local/source"],
      path => $::operatingsystem ? { default =>
"c:/local/source/NSClient++-0.3.9-x64.msi" },
      source => "puppet:///modules/monitor/nagios/NSClient++-0.3.9-x64.msi";

      ensure => present, mode => 0664,
      owner => "Administrators", group => "SYSTEM",
      require => Package["NSClientpp"],
      notify => Service["NSClientpp"],
      path => $::operatingsystem ? { default =>
"c:/local/nsclient/boot.ini" },
      content => template("monitor/nagios/client/boot.ini.erb");

      ensure => present, mode => 0664,
      owner => "Administrators", group => "SYSTEM",
      require => Package["NSClientpp"],
      notify => Service["NSClientpp"],
      path => $::operatingsystem ? { default => "c:/local/nsclient/nsc.ini"
      content => template("monitor/nagios/client/nsc.ini.erb");

    package {
      ensure => installed,
      provider => "msi",
      source => 'c:\local\source\NSClient++-0.3.9-x64.msi',
      install_options => {
        'INSTALLLOCATION' => 'c:\local\nsclient',
        'ADDLOCAL' => 'ALL',
        'START_SERVICE_ON_EXIT' => '1'

    service {
      name => $::operatingsystem ? { default => "NSClientpp" },
      ensure => "running", enable => true,
      require => Package["NSClientpp"];

Now to the strange thing, when the package is installed with the MSI
provider, the service entry from the NSClient++ disapear. When I manually
execute the installation package with option repair, it apears again ...
until the next puppet run where it disapear again. So calling the service
resource fail because of the missing service entry. The OS is a 2003SP2
x64, the puppet client has the version 2.7.19. Any ideas?

Regards, Thomas
Linux ... enjoy the ride!

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