I did my hadoop manifest as below:

  exec { "Namenode - Format dfs.name.dir":
    path    => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
    command => 'echo "Y" | hadoop namenode -format',
    user    => 'hdfs',
    unless  => "test -d $dfs_name_dir/image",
    require => Exec['Namenode - Create dfs.name.dir'],


On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 11:30:39 AM UTC-7, Bai Shen wrote:
> I'm using puppet to automate the creation and maintenance of my hadoop 
> cluster.  However, I'm not sure how to handle this next step.  In order for 
> the cluster to run, the namenode needs to be formatted.
> su hdfs -c "/usr/bin/hadoop namenode -format"
> I'm not sure what the best method to handle this is.  Do I just add an 
> exec command?  How do I make sure that it only gets run during the initial 
> setup?
> Thanks.

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