Hi group, im updating some modules of puppet, and i found this issue or 
error, that i cannot get resolved it. My puppetmaster is 2.7.1 and client 
2.7.18. I used other modulo to prover apt configurations but i think this 
is more completed. 

I know that the error is something missing or my class is not present or 
something like that, the dependencies of the modulo are installed, stdlib 
and i tried to use it without any declaration on my own apt class, but im 
still getting this error. Someone has any idea what is happening?¿ Thanks.

My class:

class apt-basic {                                                           
    include apt::backports                                                 
    class { 'apt': }                                                       
    class { 'apt::backports':                                               
      release => 'squeeze',                                                 
    apt::source {                                                           
        location      => 'http://security.debian.org/',                     
        repos         => 'main contrib non-free',                           
        include_src   => true,                                             
        release       => 'squeeze/updates',                                 
    apt::source {                   
        location      => 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian',                 
        repos         => 'main contrib non-free',                           
        include_src   => true,                                             
        release       => 'squeeze-updates',                                 
    apt::source {                                                           
        location      => 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian',                 
        repos         => 'main contrib non-free',                           
        include_src   => true,                                             
        release       => 'squeeze',                                         

And this is what i get on puppetmaster log, the line what is talking is the 
next on init.pp:

anchor { 'apt::update':
  require => Class['apt::update'],  

debug: importing 
'/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/apt/manifests/init.pp' in 
environment development
debug: importing 
in environment development
debug: Automatically imported apt::backports from apt/backports into 
debug: importing 
'/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/apt/manifests/params.pp' in 
environment development
debug: Automatically imported apt::params from apt/params into development
debug: importing 
'/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/apt/manifests/source.pp' in 
environment development
debug: Automatically imported apt::source from apt/source into development
debug: importing 
'/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/apt/manifests/update.pp' in 
environment development
debug: Automatically imported apt::update from apt/update into development
err: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid 
resource type anchor at 
/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/apt/manifests/init.pp:113 on 

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