Either puppet-resource-type "tidy" is busted or I do not properly understand 
its use.

Red Had Enterprise Linux 5.8 server (x86_64)
I am seeing this behavior on both Puppet 2.6.17 and 2.7.19

I want to "tidy" up a path -- let's say /volume/foo/bar/  (bar is a directory)

The resource definition is:

    tidy { '/volume/foo/bar/':
        age     => '0', 
        recurse => true,
        rmdirs  => true,

To test it, I do the following

cd /volume/foo/bar/
mkdir 1 2 3 4 5 6
touch 1/a 2/b 3/c 4/d 5/e 6/f 6/g

then I run puppet.
It deletes all the "touched" files (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

Now for The Problem:
When I run puppet again, I am expecting the empty directories ( 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 
6/ ) to get deleted.
They are not removed.  Even though the "rmdirs" parameter is set to true.

Is this the way "tidy" is supposed to work ?

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Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)

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