I have finally gotten Ruby 1.8.7 to compile properly with SSL libraries on 
HPUX so now I am fighting how to get puppet to manage passwords.   

First I modified the hpux.rb under the providers/user directory to have it 
use /usr/sam/lbin/useradd.sam to add users and that worked great right off 
the bat.  The problem I am having now is that each time puppet runs it does 
not seem to be getting the password hash for any user defined on the puppet 
master box and thus every run is "changing" the password.  Digging into the 
user.rb under the types directory shows in :password that the value is 
absent so it goes on to change it. 

I have run puppet in verbose mode, set RUBYOPT=-d and a wide range of other 
things to debug the execution but I have no idea what more to do here since 
I am not a Ruby coder or know the best ways to troubleshoot the flow of the 
code in Puppet.  

We can deal with having it doing all the password resets on the users but 
seems like it will be a lot of changes to password where there really is 
not an issue.  Since I am trying to get this working across the board for 
HPUX I wanted to try to hack out the fix myself but have hit a wall.

Pertinent Details for the host on which I am finding these issues:
architecture => ia64
facterversion => 1.6.12
fqdn => cadcpuppet
hardwaremodel => ia64
hostname => cadcpuppet
id => root
interfaces => lan0,lo0
is_virtual => true
kernel => HP-UX
kernelmajversion => B.11
kernelrelease => B.11.31
kernelversion => B.11.31
operatingsystem => HP-UX
operatingsystemrelease => B.11.31
osfamily => HP-UX
path => 
ps => ps -ef
puppetversion => 2.7.19
rubysitedir => /usr/local/lib/hpux32/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
rubyversion => 1.8.7
uptime => 6 days
uptime_days => 6
uptime_hours => 164
uptime_seconds => 593014
virtual => hpvm

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