I am trying to create a masterless local windows installer and I have run 
into an issue where puppet is importing my manfiests multiple times 
creating multiple declaration errors.
You may notice the importing occurs twice but with different directory 
layouts.  One import is via puppet while the other has something to do with 
the modulepath I declared.
Any ideas?
Here is what I am doing (somewhat abbreviated):
 ruby -S -- puppet apply -v --debug --noop --modulepath="dir/puppetmodules" 
-e "include myclass"
debug: importing 'C:\devops\trunk/puppetmodules/myclass/manifests/init.pp' 
in environment production
debug: importing 'C:/devops/trunk/puppetmodules/myclass/manifests/init.pp' 
in environment production
debug: Automatically imported myclass from myclass into production
debug: importing 'C:\devops\trunk/puppetmodules/jdk/manifests/init.pp' in 
environment production
debug: importing 'C:/devops/trunk/puppetmodules/jdk/manifests/init.pp' in 
environment production
debug: Automatically imported jdk from jdk into production
Duplicate declaration: Exec[create_java_home] is already declared in file 
C:\devops\trunk/puppetmodules/jdk/manifests/init.pp at line 18; cannot
 redeclare at C:/devops/trunk/puppetmodules/jdk/manifests/init.pp:18 on 
node hostname_hidden
Here is the myclass (changed name for this email)
class myclass {
 class {"myclass::install": }
 # Now try and use maven to run the build
 class {"maven::command":
  build_dir => "c:/${mvn_repo_name}",
  command => "verify -Ptests",
  require => [Exec["checksvnrepo"],Class["myclass::install"]],
class myclass::install{
if $::operatingsystem == "windows" {
  class {"jdk": }
  class {"svn": }
  # since springsource comes with maven lets use the builtin maven package
  if $::install_sts == "true" {
   class {"sts": 
    require => Class["jdk"]
   $mvn_dir='C:\Program Files\springsource\apache-maven-3.0.3'
   class {"maven::setup":
    mvn_home => "$mvn_dir"
   # Install and Setup Maven
   class {"maven": }
Here is the jdk class being called since its the first class 
class jdk{
 class {"jdk::setup":
  require => Class["jdk::install"],
  java_home => 'C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_30',
  java_bin => '%JAVA_HOME%/bin',
class jdk::setup($java_home, $java_bin){
 # set the user environment variable for java_home
  command => "setx JAVA_HOME \"${java_home}\" /M ",
  path => 'C:\Windows\System32',
  # The unless should really just check if the variable is set for the 
specific path
  unless => "where javac",
 # set the user environment variable for java_bin
  command => "setx JAVA_BIN \"${java_bin}\" /M ",
  path => 'C:\Windows\System32',
  unless => "where javac",
class jdk::install{
  command => "${::installer_dir}/jdk-6u30-windows-i586.exe /s 
ADDLOCAL=\"ToolsFeature,DemosFeature,SourceFeature\" ",
  creates => 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30\bin\javac.exe',
  logoutput => 'true',


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