I have a puppetmaster on an Amazon EC2 instance of Ubuntu 12.04. All of the 
puppet nodes I am running are also on ubuntu server 12.04. I can connect 
any of the nodes on a wireless or LAN connection. When I switch my node to 
a Verizon mobile 3g or 4g device I run "puppet agent -t" and I get the 

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Connection time out - 
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
err: Could not send report: Connection timed out - SSL_connect

Before I got the message there was a long pause about 20 minutes long 
trying to do the update.

I can download and install packages with the 3g connection using apt-get 
install. I can access webpages including secure pages using Lynx. I can 
ping the Puppet Master.

I wanted to make sure I was getting through to the Puppet Master so I 
removed the certificate from both the Puppet Master and the Client. Then I 
ran "puppet agent -t" and the certificate was signed and I can see it again 
on the Puppet Master and the client. 

I checked port 8140 to see that it is open in Amazon, and it is. There is 
no firewall enabled in the instance itself.

Next I limited the puppet update to only one trivial module and nothing 

Lastly, I connected a node that is on a desktop version of Ubuntu 12.10 and 
connected my Verizon device. I had the similar behavior. The system paused 
for 10 to 20 minutes like before then gave me the message:

Error: Failed to apply catalog: execution expired
Error: Could not send report: execution expired

Since I have little experience with puppet or these devices, I suspect the 
device has some sort of interrupt or time out on the device that causes 
problems with the puppet process.

Anyways as far as I can tell the only thing I cannot do with this 
connection is update puppet.

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