Sorry for the top posting.

So, configuration and package management are different problem: trying
to solve a problem with a tool born for solving the other problem can
have, in the short or long run, some issue.
Ymmv, as everyone else.


2012/11/6, Alan Evans <>:
> Budicom,
> One thing I might suggest is not to put the entire JBoss directory in
> puppet and realize it as a file resource.  As gross as it is for a
> former employer I used the zip deployment and extracted the zip file.
> Disclaimer: No syntax checking, no validation YMMV, for example only. :)
> file { "$somepath/jboss-$":
>   ensure => 'present',
>   source => $somewhere,
> }
> exec { "unzip-jboss-$":
>   command => "unzip $somepath/jboss-$ -q -d $someotherdir",
>   requires => [ File["$somepath/jboss-$", Package['zip'] ],
> }
> exec { "backup-jboss-$version-profiles":
>   command => "mv $someotherdir/jboss-$version/server/
> $someotherdir/jboss-$version/server.orig",
>   creates => "$someotherdir/jboss-$version/server.orig",
>   requires => "unzip-jboss-$",
> }
> class jboss::instance (
>   installdir = undef,
>   profile = 'default',
> ) {
>    exec { "copy-jboss-profile-$name":
>       command => "cp $installdir/jboss-$version/server.orig/$profile
> $installdir/jboss-$version/server/$name"
>       creates => "$installdir/jboss-$version/server/$name"
>   }
>   # setup an init script
>   # configure other instance properties w/ augeas/files
> }
> Campt to camp has a great "archive" installer you could cannibalize or
> perhaps use in its entirety.  It didn't quite work in my last
> situation but perhaps it would work for you.
> Regards,
> -Alan
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 7:30 AM, Budicom <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a big problem with Puppet and JBoss.
>> In jboss/server/ directory, there are several instances. And instances
>> started, +100000 files are presents.
>> Puppetrun takes several hours to complete his cycle.
>> tmp/ directory is ignore in file resource (ignore  => [ 'tmp', 'work',
>> 'data', '.git', '*puppet-bak', '*class', '*tld', '*jsp' ],) but this
>> directory is still processed.
>> I don't understand.
>> How to reduced execution time ?
>> Thx.
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