Hmm... It seems that all that was needed was a Puppetmaster restart :s

Now happily creating volumes... 


On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 10:46:55 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Hi All
> As per my various other Posts, I'm writing a customer type and provider 
> set for NetApp support.. 
> My current problem is that the 'puppet device -v' run keeps failing with:
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
>> Invalid parameter aggregate at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:30 on node 
>> actint-star-nactl01
> Now as far as I can see, the parameter is defined correctly in the 
> manifest and the type:
> Manifest:
>>         # Test NetApp volume provider
>>         netapp_volume { 'v_puppet_test':
>>                 ensure => present,
>>                 initsize => "1g",
>>                 aggregate => "aggr01",
>>                 spaceres => "none",
>>         }
>  Type:
>> Puppet::Type.newtype(:netapp_volume) do
>>   @doc = "Manage Netapp Volume creation, modification and deletion."
>>   apply_to_device
>>   ensurable do
>>     desc "Netapp Volume resource state. Valid values are: present, 
>> absent."
>>     defaultto(:present)
>>     newvalue(:present) do
>>       provider.create
>>     end
>>     newvalue(:absent) do
>>       provider.destroy
>>     end
>>   end
>>   newparam(:name) do
>>     desc "The volume name."
>>     isnamevar
>>   end
>>   newparam(:initsize) do
>>     desc "The initial volume size."
>>     defaultto "1g"
>>   end
>>   newparam(:aggregate) do
>>     desc "The aggregate this volume should be created in."
>>   end
>>   newparam(:spaceres) do
>>     desc "The space reservation mode."
>>   end
>> end
>  Provider does some debugging logging within the create and exists? as 
> follows: 
>> ... 
> def create
>>     Puppet.debug("Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: creating Netapp Volume 
>> #{@resource[:name]} of initial size #{@resource[:initsize]} in Aggregate 
>> #{@resource[:aggregate]} using space reserve of #{@resource[:spaceres]}.")
>> ..
>   def exists?
>>     Puppet.debug("Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: checking existance of 
>> Netapp Volume #{@resource[:name]}")
>>     result = transport.invoke("volume-list-info", "volume", 
>> @resource[:name])
>>     Puppet.debug("Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: Vol Info: " + 
>> result.sprintf() + "\n")
>>     if(result.results_status == "failed")
>>       Puppet.debug("Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: Volume doesn't 
>> currently exist. \n")
>>       return false
>>     else
>>       Puppet.debug("Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: Volume already 
>> exists. \n")
>>       return true
>>     end
>>   end
>> ... 
> When running puppet device in debug mode, get the following log entries:
> ^[[0;36mDebug^[[0m: Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: checking existance of 
>> Netapp Volume v_puppet_test
>> ^[[0;36mDebug^[[0m: Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: Vol Info: <results 
>> status="failed" reason="No volume named 'v_puppet_test' exists" 
>> errno="13040"></results>
>> ^[[0;36mDebug^[[0m: Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: Volume doesn't 
>> currently exist.
>> ^[[0;36mDebug^[[0m: Puppet::Provider::Netapp_volume: creating Netapp 
>> Volume v_puppet_test of initial size 1g in Aggregate  using space reserve 
>> of .
> So I'm seeing values against name and initsize params, but not against 
> aggregate or spaceres... 
> Any ideas???
> Cheers
> Gavin 
> PS: Full Git code is available here: 

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