
I would like to know what are the best pratices in node declaration.

I tried to play with inheritance with failures : 
Here my* puppet/manifest/site.pp*

node basenode {
>         class { 'ssh': }
>         class { 'ntp': }
>         class { 'users': }
>         class { 'sudo': }
> }
> node default inherits basenode {
> }
> ################################################################
> # serv1
> ################################################################
> node "serv1" inherits basenode {
>         class { 'sudo' :
>                 sudoers => "sudoers_serv1"
>         }
>         class { 'debug': }
> }

As you can see i have to manage 2 sudoers file : 
One in almost all server, and an other one in my "serv1" server

here is my *sudo class*

class sudo ($sudoers="sudoers") {
>         package { 'sudo':
>                 ensure => installed,
>         }
>         file { '/etc/sudoers':
>                 source  => "puppet://puppetmaster.foo.com/sudo/$sudoers",
>                 ensure => file,
>                 mode   => 440,
>                 owner   => 'root',
>                 group           => 'root',
>                 require => Package['sudo'],
>         }
> }

Can you tell me what is the best way to resolve that kind of problems.


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