On 12/05/2012 10:22 AM, Andrew Beresford wrote:
I've ended up separating the template into an external file and then doing
something horrible;

out=scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~
/(uptime.*|timestamp|.*free|macaddress.*|ipaddress)/ }.to_yaml.split "\n"
header = out.shift
header = header+"\n"
sorted = out.sort
sorted_string = sorted.join "\n"
header << sorted_string

This only works because the structure of the facts.yaml content is very simple,
and I'd much rather replace it with something more elegant.

I was originally trying to override the Hash to_yaml method to output the keys
in alphabetical order, but I ended up fighting with it too much and gave up as I
had other more important stuff to work on.

I had the same problem and tried an equally ugly hack which worked until the yaml started containing perfectly legal yaml anchors and aliases (&id001 and *id001)[1]. My current solution is:

  cron {
command => '/usr/bin/facter --puppet --yaml > /etc/mcollective/facter.yaml 2> /dev/null',
      minute  => '0';

This does miss the puppet variables in the current scope (move to custom fact?) and potentially quickly changing facts (handled with facter_dot_d?). But this works for my needs. If anyone has a better idea I would be very interested.

[1]: http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2760395

Konrad Scherer, Sr. Engineer, Linux Products Group, Wind River
direct 613-963-1342   fax 613-592-2283

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