On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 5:10:48 PM UTC, Schofield wrote:
> Hiera allows you to lay out your data in two dimensions: data file and 
>> key.  Whatever selection rules you want to use to choose particular data 
>> need to operate in that context.  There are at least three ways in which 
>> you can embed additional dimensions:
>>    1. You can create separate hierarchies or hierarchy pieces based on 
>>    node data, by interpolating the data into the hierarchy definition file
>>    2. You can use compound keys
>>    3. You can expand your values into hashes (with the hash keyspace 
>>    constituting an additional dimension)
>> Would you mind going into detail on options 2 and 3? 
>> Those can be used separately or in combination, and even in 
>> self-combination, so in principle, you can use as many dimensions as you 
>> want.  In practice, it can get very messy, very quickly.
> Getting messy, quickly is my concern if the hierarchy is not the best fit 
> for the enterprise or the enterprise architecture changes. Are there any 
> rules of thumb to consider that would suggest hiera is not the best data 
> externalization tool and someone might be better off with a RDMS or 
> denormalized search index as the external data source?

I can't speak for John but I can take a guess at what he was getting at 
regarding hashes getting complicated. You can use Hiera to store complex 
information structures like the one below:

  smtp_tls_security_level: encrypt
  tls_random_source: dev:/dev/urandom
  smtpd_use_tls: "yes"
  smtpd_tls_loglevel: 1

Then inside a Puppet manifest or template you can retrieve and handle the 
hash in a more concise manner than requesting each postfix configuration 
key individually. The Puppet and template snippet below will put any 
Postfix options I add to the hash above into my main.cf file without me 
having to go in and edit the postfix module itself:


  $postfix_additional_settings = hiera_hash('postfix_additional_settings', 
  $postfix_main_conf_file = '/etc/postfix/main.cf'
  file { $postfix_main_conf_file:
    content => template("${module_name}/${postfix_main_conf_file}.erb"),

Template snippet:

# Everything below here comes from the Hiera postfix_additional_settings 
hash #
<% if @postfix_additional_settings %>
<% postfix_additional_settings.sort.each do |key, val| -%>
<% if val -%>
<%=key%> = <%=val%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

That's not too bad for a Postfix config where all the keys are unique and 
there's only one level of depth. I don't have to have much complexity in my 
template file to handle the different types of Postfix options my sites 
have, that's all in Hiera.

Now here's a more complex Template where we write a HAProxy configuration 
file. This hash:

      ssl: ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/private/
      woof: check
      mode: tcp

Feeds this template:

<% haproxy_listen_hash.sort.each do |key, listen_hash| -%>

listen <%= key %>
<%   listen_hash.sort.each do |key, val|   -%>
<%     if key == "bind" -%>
  # Bind to these addresses
  # -----------------------
<%       val.sort.each do |subkey, subval|  -%>
  # <%= subkey %>
  bind <%= subval %>
<%       end -%>

<%     elsif key == "servers" -%>
  # Forward traffic to these servers
  # --------------------------------
<%       val.sort.each do |subkey, subval|  -%>
  server <%= subkey %> <%= subval %>
<%       end -%>

<%     elsif key == "opts" -%>
  # Extra options
  # -------------
<%       val.sort.each do |subkey, subval|  -%>
  <%= subkey %> <%= subval %><% if subkey == "stick-table" && haproxy_peers 
%> peers mypeers<% end %>
<%       end -%>
<%     elsif key == "stats" -%>
<%       val.sort.each do |subkey, subval| -%>
  stats <%= subkey %> <%= subval %>
<%       end -%>
<%     end -%>
<%   end -%>
<% end -%>

It still works well for our purposes, but it's starting to get quite 
complicated. There are so many nested hashes the template is difficult to 
read. We do manage to preserve just raw haproxy information in Hiera though.

If you need to go there, using the hiera_hash function adds even more 
complexity. This will flatten Hiera keys top down through your Hierarchy 
into a single hash, useful for overriding different portions of your 
default hash in other parts of your hierarchy.


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