On Sunday, December 9, 2012 1:41:34 PM UTC-6, treydock wrote:
> I am finding that the puppetlabs-apache module is somehow adding 30-60 
> seconds onto a host's catalog compile time when the puppetmaster has no 
> other hosts contacting or generating catalogs.  The Puppetmaster is setup 
> to use Puppet-2.7.18 - Apache & Passenger.  RIght now only 2 hosts are even 
> configured to use this new PM, the PM itself and a Foreman host.  With 
> neither hosts contacting the PM, and disabling the "include apache" and 
> "require apache::mod::dev" in puppetlabs-passenger, I get "Config 
> retrieval: 2.45".
> Catalogs had hostnames replaced, puppetmaster.tld is the CNAME for Puppet 
> master and puppetmaster-host.tld is the actual hostname.
> Catalog: http://pastebin.com/V29JmB8J
> # puppet agent --{summarize,test,debug,evaltrace,noop} | perl -pe 
> 's/^/localtime().": "/e'
> <snip>
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: notice: Finished catalog run in 2.43 seconds
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: Changes:
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: Events:
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:             Total: 1
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:              Noop: 1
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: Resources:
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:       Out of sync: 1
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:             Total: 22
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:           Skipped: 6
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: Time:
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:         Resources: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:        Filebucket: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:           Package: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:              File: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:          Firewall: 0.01
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:              Exec: 0.14
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:          Last run: 1355079935
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:    Config retrieval: 2.45
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:             Total: 2.61
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012: Version:
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:            Config: 1355077701
> Sun Dec  9 13:05:35 2012:            Puppet: 2.7.18
> Uncommenting "include apache" and "require apache::mod::dev" in 
> puppetlabs-passenger about 40 seconds are added to the compile time.  I 
> went through disabled all modules and parameters, and found that enabling 
> the passenger module alone with Apache included caused the huge delay.
> Catalog: http://pastebin.com/wwcKgX5b
> # puppet agent --{summarize,test,debug,evaltrace,noop} | perl -pe 
> 's/^/localtime().": "/e'
> <snip>
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: notice: Finished catalog run in 2.23 seconds
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: Changes:
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: Events:
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:             Total: 4
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:              Noop: 4
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: Resources:
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:       Out of sync: 4
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:           Skipped: 6
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:             Total: 80
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: Time:
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:        Filebucket: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:         Resources: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:           Package: 0.00
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:          Firewall: 0.01
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:              File: 0.01
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:             A2mod: 0.03
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:           Service: 0.07
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:              Exec: 0.14
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:          Last run: 1355080388
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:    Config retrieval: 42.79
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:             Total: 43.06
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012: Version:
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:            Config: 1355080261
> Sun Dec  9 13:13:08 2012:            Puppet: 2.7.18
> The install is via RPM.  I'm using the Fedora SRPMs rebuilt for CentOS 6. 
>  The Puppet master has two environments, development and production with 
> this as the puppet.conf
> # cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
> ---
> [main]
> server                    = puppetmaster.tld
> logdir                    = /var/log/puppet
> vardir                    = /var/lib/puppet
> ssldir                    = /var/lib/puppet/ssl
> rundir                    = /var/run/puppet
> factpath                  = $vardir/lib/facter
> pluginsync                = true
> templatedir               = $confdir/templates
> [agent]
> report                          = true
> environment                     = production
> preferred_serialization_format  = yaml
> [master]
> modulepath                = 
> /etc/puppet/environments/$environment/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
> manifest                  = /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
> environment               = production
> autosign                  = false
> ssl_client_header         = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
> ssl_client_verify_header  = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
> certname                  = puppetmaster.tld
> dns_alt_names             = puppetmaster.tld,puppetmaster-host.tld
> report                    = true
> reports                   = store
> #reports                   = store, foreman
> [production]
> manifest                  = /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
> Has anyone run into this issue with puppetlabs-apache or know why my 
> compile times are so long?  I have a Puppet 2.6.17 server (Also 
> Apache+Passenger) that has one host, for example, with 524 resources , and 
> only a 21.36 second catalog compile time.
> Thanks
> - Trey

Continuing to debug this issue it seems the apache::mod::default is the 
bulk of the compile time.  I'm curious if this is a symptom of the module 
itself or something with 2.7.x.  I moved this puppet master to the EPEL 
2.6.17 RPMs and now catalogs that previously took 40-60 seconds are now 
down to 1-2 seconds.

I noticed that during the long compile times this VM's (2 vCPU , 2GB RAM) 
CPU usage is at 100% from a single Ruby process that links to the PM Rack 
process.  My other PM running same exact setup with about 50 managed hosts 
never has had performance issues always running 2.6.17.

I'd like to move to 2.7.x for functionality of more modern modules but this 
PM is for an HPC and I'm already struggling to convince 
my predecessors that Puppetizing the HPC is not going impact performance. 
 Is there possibly a specific version of 2.7.x or maybe even 3.0.x that may 
address the performance issues I'm seeing ?

- Trey

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