Thanks for your suggestions guys. I did consider using create_resource, but 
don't see how I can when I'm trying to apply this Hiera data to a single 
file. To expand on my initial post, what I need to do is create multiple 
config blocks within one file resource. So this Hiera data:

haproxy_listeners :
 "cluster1" :
  ip : ''
  port : '80'
  servers : 
   "server1" :
    ip : ''
    port : '8080'
   "server2" :
    ip : ''
    port : '8080'
 "cluster2" :
  ip : ''
  port : '80'
  servers :
     ip : ''
     port : '8080'
     ip : ''
     port : '8080'

will result in this being generated in the haproxy config file:

listen cluster1
       server server1
       server server2

listen cluster2
       server server3
       server server4

So I don't see how create_resources can handle this, as that's for creating 
multiple Puppet resources, as opposed to multiple blocks within a single 
file. The only alternative I can think of at the moment is using 
create_resources with a define which utilizes Augeas, but I don't know how 
well that will work.



On Friday, 4 January 2013 16:47:13 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
> I'm with Andy on this one... I'm doing something very similar with my 
> NetApp volume provider ( 
> I've created a define with the following contents:
> define util::netapp::volume (
>         $ensure = present,
>         $size,
>         $aggr = 'aggr1',
>         $snapresv = 0,
>         $autoincrement = true,
>         $snapschedule = {"minutes" => 0, "hours" => 0, "days" => 0, 
> "weeks" => 0}
>         ) {
>         netapp_notify {"volume_define_${name}":
>                 message => "Processing Volume ${name}",
>         }
>         ->
>         netapp_volume { "v_${name}":
>                 ensure => $ensure,
>                 initsize => $size,
>                 aggregate => $aggr,
>                 spaceres => "none",
>                 snapreserve => $snapresv,
>                 autoincrement => $autoincrement,
>                 options => {'convert_ucode' => 'on', 'no_atime_update' => 
> 'on', 'try_first' => 'volume_grow'},
>                 snapschedule => $snapschedule
>         }
>         ->
>         netapp_qtree { "q_${name}":
>                 ensure => $ensure,
>                 volume => "v_${name}"
>         }
>         ->
>         netapp_export { "/vol/v_${name}/q_${name}":
>                 ensure => $ensure,
>                 persistent => true
>         }
> }
> I've added a default hash to 'snapschedule' in the options list, but that 
> can be over-ridden from the Hiera data. 
> Then use the following to pull the data from hiera and call the define:
> create_resources( util::netapp::volume, hiera('volumes') )
> 'Volumes' in hiera yaml looks like:
> volumes:
>  vol1:
>   ensure: present
>   size: '500m'
>  vol2:
>   ensure: present
>   size: '20g'
>   snapschedule:
>    minutes: 0
>    hours: 36
>    days: 0
>    weeks: 0
> You can also use the 'hiera' command to test your yaml structure:
> $ hiera -c hiera.yaml volumes clientcert=act-star-nactl01
> {"vol1"=>{"ensure"=>"present", "size"=>"500m"}, 
> "vol2"=>{"ensure"=>"present", "size"=>"20g", "snapschedule"=>{"days"=>0, 
> "weeks"=>0, "hours"=>36, "minutes"=>0}}}
> As you can see from the above output, *snapschedule* for *vol2* is a 
> nested hash. This assumes that your resource provider can support hashes on 
> the relevant param/property ;)
> Gav
> On Friday, 4 January 2013 15:37:25 UTC, llowder wrote:
>> On Friday, January 4, 2013 9:11:28 AM UTC-6, Andy Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to build a module for haproxy which fetches all the 
>>> configuration data from Hiera to populate the haproxy config file. I've run 
>>> into a number of issues though when I try to use hashes. Ideally, I want to 
>>> use something like this:
>>> haproxy_listeners :
>>>  "cluster1" :
>>>   ip : ''
>>>   port : '80'
>>>   servers : 
>>>    "server1" :
>>>     ip : ''
>>>     port : '8080'
>>> So a hash of clusters with each cluster containing a nested hash of 
>>> servers. Is this possible with Hiera/ERB? It's easy enough to iterate over 
>>> the first hash, but I can't work out how to extract the contents of the 
>>> nested hash. Or I might just be approaching this in entirely the wrong 
>>> way... Any help would be much appreciated.
>> I haven't used the function myself, but this looks like it would be a 
>> good case for a define + create_resources(), which I think is part of 
>> stdlib. You might need to restructure the hashes slightly, but I think that 
>> will be the best approach.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andy

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