No-one doing anything similar? 


On Friday, 15 February 2013 12:08:37 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Morning all, 
> Firstly, apologies for the length of this post, however I thought it 
> probably most useful to fully outline the challenge and the desired 
> result... 
> Ok, so we're in the process of Puppetizing our Oracle/NetApp platform for 
> Live/DR running. 
> The current manual process, upon setting up a new database, a set of 
> volumes are created to contain the various Oracle DB elements, and these 
> are then SnapMirror'd to the DR site. 
> This SnapMirror process requires a period of time to copy the base data 
> over... This time period is directly relational to the amount of data 
> required... I.e. a copy of 20Gb may take an hour, 200Gb may take 10 
> hours... 
> During this period, the SnapMirror resource is in an 'initializing' state. 
> Once the data copy is complete, then the resource will change to an 
> 'initialized' state. 
> The next step in the process is then to break the relationship so that the 
> DR end can be used in a R/W mode... 
> Now, in order to Puppetize this, I need to be able to replicate the above 
> behaviour... 
> I've got Puppet to create and initialize the relationship, and that works 
> as expected. However Puppet doesn't currently care about the relationship 
> state. Now that's easy enough to add in as a new property against the 
> type/provider.
> However what I'm struggling to understand is how, or if it's even 
> possible, to automate the switch from 'Initialized' state to a 'Broken' 
> state upon completion of the initialization stage???
> Now these databases definitions are currently driven from a YAML backend 
> which maintains information such as database name, volume information, 
> primary netapp controller, replication netapp controller, etc... Currently, 
> this YAML file is just a file on the puppet master... However there are 
> ambitions to move this into a more dynamic backend, such as CouchDB or 
> similar... So that opens the possibility to automatically update the YAML 
> resource state.. However Puppet still needs to be able to support updating 
> that backend based on the information it gets from the actual resource... 
> So to flow it out:
>    1. Create a new database in backend ->
>    2. Puppet creates volumes on primary ->
>    3. Data is added to volumes ->
>    4. Backend updated to indicate replication is required ->
>    5. Puppet creates volumes on Secondary and adds Snapmirror 
>    relationship ->
>    6. Snapmirror initializes in background ->
>    7. Puppet periodically runs against network device and checks resource 
>    state ->
>    8. Backend resource state is updated following each run? -> 
>    9. Snapmirror initialization completes ->
>    10. Puppet runs, detects new resource state and then triggers break?
>    11. Backend resource state updated to 'broken'?
> Now 1 to 7 above are fine, but 8 to 11 are where I get a bit unsure... 
> So, that's the challenge... Am I barking up the wrong tree, or is this 
> something that Puppet could manage? 
> Cheers in advance for any responses. 
> Regards
> Gavin 

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