Try using the variable *caller_module_name* instead

>     file { "${cachedir}/${source}":
>       source  => "puppet:///modules/${caller_module_name}/${source}",
>                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>       require => File[$cachedir],
>     }


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 07:33:00PM +0530, Francis Pereira wrote:
> How do I retrieve the name of the module where a define is used ?
> Consider the following
> file java/manifests/setup.pp
> define java::setup (
>   $source        = undef,){
>     file { $cachedir:
>       ensure => 'directory',
>       owner  => 'root',
>       group  => 'root',
>       mode   => '644'
>     }
>     file { "${cachedir}/${source}":
>       source  => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/${source}",
>       require => File[$cachedir],
>     }
> # stripped out for readability
> }
> file mywebapp/manifests/init.pp
> # stripped out for readability
>   java::setup { 'mywebapp-java':
>     source        => 'jdk-7u7-linux-x64.gz',
>   }
> # stripped out for readability
> I want the source to be constructed
> as  puppet:///modules/mywebapp/jdk-7u7-linux-x64.gz instead of
> puppet:///modules/java/jdk-7u7-linux-x64.gz
> ~Francis

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