Hello Alessandro,

Thank you very much for your quick reply, now it is bit more clear to me 
and I will start implementing Puppi today.

One more quick question :-)  I need to deploy two 'war' files to the same 
server, which means same 'deploy_root' but two 'war' files and I don't 
think I can use two 'source' two times.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Krishna Murthy

On Friday, 22 February 2013 05:20:13 UTC, Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
> Hi Krishna,
> the execution of a "puppi deploy myapp"  is not done generally via Puppet 
> (Puppet creates the environment that allows you to make a deploy with a 
> puppi deploy command, you can also trigger a "puppi deploy myapp" execution 
> via Puppet but that's not common if not for first time setup ) and can be 
> done in various ways:
> - Directly from an host, typing as root: puppi deploy myapp
> - Doing the same via a cron job (puppi can check if the artifacts to 
> deploy have changes)
> - Via Jenkins or similar, typically doing a ssh connection with an 
> unprivileged user tha can so "sudo puppi deploy myapp"
> - Via Mcollective, using the puppi plugin.
> - Via whatever type of more or less centralized orchestration/scheduling 
> tool that can execute a remote command
> To decide which war (or whatever artifact) deploy on which node, just 
> consider that you have normal Puppet defines with some parameters that 
> allow you to define what to deploy (or better, what to configure for puppi 
> deploys) on what hosts.
> For example, for a role, or group of servers you can have :
> puppi::project::war { 'myapp':
>   source           => 
> "http://repo.example42.com/deploy/${environment}/myapp.war";,
>   deploy_root      => '/store/tomcat/myapp/webapps',
> }
> (note the environment variable that allows you to pick from different 
> sources wars for different environments)
> and at the same time have to deploy different things on different servers 
> (this time picking the artifacts from a Maven repository) with defines like 
> :
> puppi::project::maven { 'supersite':
>   source           => 
> 'http://nexus.example42.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases/it/example42/supersite/',
>   deploy_root      => '/usr/local/tomcat/supersite/webapps',
>   init_script      => 'tomcat',
>   report_email     => 'sysa...@example42.com <javascript:>',
>   enable           => 'true',
> }
> Hope to have cleared a bit...
> Alessandro
> On Friday, February 22, 2013 12:59:41 AM UTC+1, Krishna Murthy T wrote:
>> Hello Alessandro,
>> I found Puppi very interesting and want to use it along side our Puppet 
>> environment.
>> Can you please give me an idea about how to deploy same and different 
>> 'war' files to different environments using Puppi?
>> I have several node definitions in my Puppet manifest each serving 
>> different purpose, I want to use Puppi to deploy to all those hosts but not 
>> at the same time.
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Krishna Murthy
>> On Thursday, 17 January 2013 22:02:25 UTC, Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
>>> Oh, I was forgetting, Puppi is also a required  dependency of all 
>>> Example42 modules, since it provides some functions used by these modules.
>>> Note anyway that you can decide to use these modules without using puppi 
>>> in any way (that is to not install the command and its working environment 
>>> on your nodes)... you just need it in your modulepath to pluginsync its lib 
>>> dir.
>>> al
>>> On Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:58:20 PM UTC+1, Alessandro Franceschi 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Puppi is a shell tool, installed and configured bythe omonimous Puppet 
>>>> module, that has basically 2 functions:
>>>> 1- Manage application deployments
>>>> 2- Provide an handy bash command with data driven by Puppet
>>>> For the first task there are a bunch of puppet defines that allow you 
>>>> to define a deployment procedure (and some ready to use deployments 
>>>> samples 
>>>> good for many different uses (defined in manifests/projects/*.pp )).
>>>> These defines, that you configure on puppet, provide to you the 
>>>> possibility of executing, on your nodes, commands like "puppi deploy 
>>>> myapp" 
>>>> or "puppi rollback myapp" to manage deployments.
>>>> For the second task you need modules that actually can drive data to 
>>>> Puppet (Example42 ones do), but it's not too difficult to feed custom 
>>>> configurations to populate the output of actions like puppi check (does an 
>>>> immediate health check of your system and its applications), puppi info 
>>>> [app] (show information about your system and applications), puppi log 
>>>> [app] (tails all the configured logs).
>>>> Since the command is always one (puppi) and the actions are always the 
>>>> same (deploy, rollback, check, info, log etc) you can easily uniform some 
>>>> operations on your infrastructure (whatever are the operations you have to 
>>>> do for a deploy, you have to run "puppi deploy something"). Puppi, of 
>>>> course can be run directly from the shell , but also via a jenkins ssh 
>>>> command (allowing only a "sudo puppi") or via mcollective (via the 
>>>> mc-puppi 
>>>> plugin) , or as a command that interacts with other orchestration / remote 
>>>> execution tools.
>>>> I found it extremely useful on a variegated environment, managed by a 
>>>> team of various people, where there are many different kind of servers 
>>>> with 
>>>> diffferent deployment needs (wars, tarballs, maven artifacts, git sources 
>>>> and so on) and where it has been possibly to streamline and make it easy 
>>>> to 
>>>> make a deployment (if you just write 'puppi' you see also the available 
>>>> projects / apps you can deploy on the local nodes).
>>>> Also, when configured with sane checks, it's very handy to write "puppi 
>>>> check" on a node and see if everything is going fine on it: at system / 
>>>> services / application levels (if you add, for example, url based checks 
>>>> (all checks are based on Nagios plugins).
>>>> Hope to have given you  a clearer view on puppi, I'm actually aware 
>>>> that the documentation is not good and somehow scattered on different 
>>>> places (what have you seen? the README on the git repo?)
>>>> I'm at disposal to answer to any question about it and eventually to 
>>>> suggest you the possible Puppet code you can write to manage an 
>>>> application 
>>>> deployment you may need.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Alessandro Franceschi
>>>> (yes, I wrote it)
>>>> On Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:01:21 PM UTC+1, Rajeev Iyer wrote:
>>>>> How useful is Puppi? Can someone throw light on this? The 
>>>>> documentation on the web is not so good. 
>>>>> Thanks, 
>>>>> Rajeev 

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