
there's a number of problems with your approach. Have you done any
simple deployment tasks using puppet to get you started? I advise to get
very familiar with the basics before trying a more involved management
operation such as newrelic installation.

On 03/04/2013 08:22 AM, guptasachin1112...@gmail.com wrote:
> I had installed puppet master and client on two different machines.
> machine A has puppet master and machine B has client. both are centos6
> 64 bit machines.
> Machine B (client) is successfully connected to master (machine A). My
> aim is to install New Relic agent (server monitorinig tool) on different
> clients. I had installed new relic agent on machine A and trying to
> build a module so that I can deploy new relic agent remotely to my
> clients. right now I have only one client but there can be n number of
> clients.

This is fine so far.

> steps carried out on puppetmaster Machine A
> a) I had created a new module mcollective under /etc/puppet/modules
> directory.

Why is the module called mcollective? Should it not be called newrelic

>  under manifests, I had created a init.pp with the follwoing contents
> #Module: mcollective
> #
> # Class: mcollective
> # Description:
> # This class does it all.
> #
> # Files:
> # /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic.repo
> #
> #
> class mcollective {
> $my_repo = 'newrelic_repo'
>  if $my_repo { include "mcollective::${my_repo}" }
> $my_install = 'install'
>  if $my_install { include "mcollective::${my_install}" }
> }

Putting the class names into variables does not strike me as really
benefitting. And it does break the KISS principle.

> class mcollective::newrelic_repo {
> file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic.repo':
>  owner => "root",
>  group => "root",
>  mode => 644,
>  source => 'puppet:///modules/mcollective/newrelic.repo',
> }
> }

That's all right.

> class mcollective::install {
> exec { 'Installing newrelic-repo':
>  command => 'yum -y install newrelic-repo*',
>  timeout => 600,
>  }
> }

With puppet, you should use exec as little as possible. Instead, try

package { "newrelic-sysmond": ensure => installed }

This won't work until the repo has been created, so tell puppet about
the order:

package { "newrelic-sysmond":
  ensure => installed,
  require => Class["newrelic::repo"],

> b)  I had also copied newrelic.repo from /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic.repo
> to /etc/puppet/modules/manifests

This won't work. If you want to make a file available using file { name:
source => ... }, it needs to be put into an appropriate files tree, such
as /etc/puppet/modules/newrelic/files/...

> c) under files diretcory, I had created sites.pp as

Now this one should be under manifests!

> import 'mcollective'

Importing modules is deprecated. I advise to not even bother with the
import statement.

> node 'basenode' {
> include mcollective
> include mcollective::newrelic_repo
> include mcollective::install
> }

That's fine.

> node 'WA19487ORACLE01' inherits basenode {
> license_key => 'd15ff577e5f27e071fe9b2d6809b9f2950fe87d1',

!!! Please get a new license key. You just shared your key with the
internet. !!!

> }
> d)  here I have called module and passed the license_key for the node.

No. No, you haven't.

For one thing, the above is a syntax error. In a node block, there can
only be resource declarations such as

include newrelic
host { "localhost": ... }
file { "/etc/motd": ... }


I think what you are thinking of is a construct such as this:

node 'WA19487ORACLE01' inherits basenode {
  class { "newrelic::install":
    license_key => "...";

> e) I had restarted my puppetmaster(machine A) and puppet (machine B).
> when I checked /varlog/messages/ of machine A and machine B, new reliec
> agent is not getting deployed on machine B (clinet).

When developing puppet manifest, use these commands on your client node:

puppet agent --test --noop

If the output is satisfactory, follow that up with

puppet agent --test

to make puppet apply the necessary changes.

> f)  my client is not able to retervie the catalog from puppet master. it
> throws following error  when i run puppet agent --test on clinet I am
> getting the result as
> [root@WA19487ORACLE01 ~]# puppet agent --test
> notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run
> info: Retrieving plugin
> err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources
> using 'eval_generate': hostname was not match with the server certificate
> err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: hostname was not
> match with the server certificate Could not retrieve file metadata for
> puppet://WA19487PUPPET01/plugins: hostname was not match with the server
> certificate
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: hostname was not
> match with the server certificate
> warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> Time:
>          Last run: 1362381429
> err: Could not send report: hostname was not match with the server
> certificate
> please post your suggestions to help me out.

What is in your /etc/puppet/puppet.conf on the client node?

What is your master node's FQDN and what is the CN of its certificate?


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