On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 12:43:26PM -0800, Nick Fagerlund wrote:
> Yeah it's definitely a bug, but I think it's 
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17105 -- not sure when it'll be 
> fixed, but I know they're working on it and consider it serious. 
> If you need it to work today, you can use the "sloppy bools" pattern, and 
> use a string (instead of a real bool) in your hiera data:
> class myclass ($myparam) {
>   $myparam_real = str2bool("$myparam")
>   #... use $myparam_real everywhere below here.
> }
> ---
> myclass::myparam: "false"
> This will make it so $myparam can be a string, a real boolean, or a number 
> (0/1), and still work fine. Note the quotes in the str2bool call; those 
> make it so you can later change the hiera data to a real bool (after the 
> bug is fixed) without changing your code.

Yeah that appears to be the bug report, and is to be limited to
auto-lookups from parameterized classes/data binding.

In the YAML spec, similar to many languages (including puppet DSL),
true/false must be unquoted. Otherwise 'true' = a string containing the
word true, which evaluates to true, as does the string 'false'.

Classy workaround sir, I will apply liberally.

Richard Clark

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