Le 12 mars 2013 à 17:46, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> a écrit :

> This works too : 
> package{'needed for exec': 
>   name => $packages, 
>   ensure => present, 
> } 
> exec { "foo": require => Package['needed for exec'] } 
> Less object, so a smaller catalog, and faster because your package tool is 
> run once, not one time for each package.
> I have trouble believing that that works completely, and if it does, I would 
> be amazed to find that it avoids running the package tool separately for each 
> package.
> Ways I imagine it might fail include:
> Puppet attempts to manage a single package whose name is a concatenation of 
> the names in $packages ("firstsecondthird...")
> Puppet manages only the first package listed in $packages, ignoring the others
> Puppet does not correctly detect when the packages are already installed, and 
> therefore attempts to install them on every run
> If it does none of those things then I have great difficulty believing that 
> it does not create a separate Package resource for each element of $packages, 
> and therefore indeed run the package manager once for each.

It does nothing of that, I use it a lot in my modules and it solves many 
problems. I didn't test it on many platform, but it works quite well on 
rpm-based providers.

> And if it in fact behaves exactly as promised, then that constitutes 
> undocumented behavior, and it is therefore unsafe to rely upon.

It not so undocumented. You don't just convert a array to a string, you get an 
empty separator ['a', 'b'] is converted to 'ab', for what I saw in many of my 
mistakes. So someone was thinking about my use case and add the code to have a 
' ' separator for the rpm command.

> So don't do that.
> John

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