
I've created a little class which should unpack a 7z archive on Windows. 
The class has a parameter for passing in the archive version, so that I can 
trigger an update when a new version of the archive is available. A 
simplyfied version looks like this (requires 7z):

class my_archive ($version = undef) {
    file { 'version':
        path => 'C:/the_version',
        content => $version,
        ensure => present,
        mode => 0666,

    # Extracting archive creates C:/some/dir
    exec { 'unpack_archive':
        command => "cmd /c rmdir /S /Q C:\some/dir & 7z x -oC:/some 
        creates => 'C:/some/dir/a_file',
        require => File['version'],
        path => $::path,
        subscribe => File['version'],

I trigger this from site.pp like so:

  class { 'my_archive':
    version => '1.2.3'

The initial unpacking of (an older version of) the archive works fine, but 
when I change the version, I see that this change is recognized by the 
agent and a refresh is triggered, but the command isn't executed:

Info: /Stage[main]/My_archive/File[version]: Filebucketed C:/the_version to 
puppet with sum 185910a1e94c599dc6541266286675bc
Notice: /Stage[main]/My_archive/File[version]/content: content changed 
'{md5}185910a1e94c599dc6541266286675bc' to 
Debug: /Stage[main]/My_archive/File[version]: The container 
Class[My_archive] will propagate my refresh event
Info: /Stage[main]/My_archive/File[version]: Scheduling refresh of 
Debug: /Schedule[weekly]: Skipping device resources because running on a 
Debug: Prefetching windows resources for package
Notice: /Stage[main]/My_archive/Exec[unpack_archive]: Triggered 'refresh' 
from 1 events
Debug: /Stage[main]/My_archive/Exec[unpack_archive]: The container 
Class[My_archive] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Class[My_archive]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my 
refresh event
Debug: /Schedule[puppet]: Skipping device resources because running on a 
Debug: Finishing transaction 144533424
Debug: Storing state
Debug: Stored state in 0.06 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.75 seconds

I tried to omit "creates => ...", but this only makes the agent run the 
resource every time. I also tried adding "refreshonly => true", but this 
doesn't help. I even tried adding "refresh => ..." with the exact same 
command without any change in behaviour.

Any hints what could be wrong?

Puppet Agent version on Windows is 3.1.0.



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