The "apt" code I'm using is 
from ,  commit-id 
e01bbb61b294be1358b147e8de4966d5f4c6efda . 

I've read 's comments, so the 
anchor pattern should take care of it ? But the apt module I have is using 
that pattern... 

As for using regular relationships instead of stages, that's kinda hard 
since the manifests I have have been designed to use stages, it would be a 
big change to make for someone that barely grasps the concepts of puppet :)

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:14:27 PM UTC+2, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:46:42 AM UTC-5, Cosmin Luță wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a local Puppet installation on which I've done:
>> # puppet module install puppetlabs/apt  
>> Preparing to install into /etc/puppet/modules ...            
>> Downloading from ...             
>> Installing -- do not interrupt ...                           
>> /etc/puppet/modules                                          
>> └─┬ puppetlabs-apt (v1.1.0)                                  
>>   └── puppetlabs-stdlib (v3.2.0)                             
>> I also have the following nodes.pp which I want to apply:
>> node default {                                                              
>>     include stdlib                                                      
>>     class {'apt':
>>             always_apt_update => true,
>>             disable_keys => true,
>>             stage => 'setup'
>>     }
>>     ->
>>     apt::source { "cassandra":
>>             location => "";,
>>             release => "stable",
>>             repos => "main",
>>             key => "B999A372",
>>             key_source => "";, 
>>             include_src => false
>>     }
>> }
>> When I try to apply it, I get:
>> # puppet apply nodes.pp
>> err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
>> (Anchor[apt::key B999A372 present] => Apt::Key[Add key: B999A372 from 
>> Apt::Source cassandra] => File[cassandra.list] => Exec[apt_update] => 
>> Class[Apt::Update] => Stage[setup] => Stage[main] => Class[Main] => 
>> Node[default] => Apt::Source[cassandra] => File[cassandra.list])
>> Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in 
>> OmniGraffle or GraphViz
>> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.12 seconds
>> The problem seems to be in the stage => 'setup' parameter, but I'd like 
>> to understand what's going on and what can I do to solve this issue (this 
>> is just a proof of concept of what's going on in the larger puppet codebase 
>> I've inherited). 
>> I'm using Puppet 2.7.20.
> I'd need to see the code of your class "apt" to be sure, but you are 
> probably running into  If 
> that's so, then the solution is to either use ordinary relationships 
> instead of run stages, or to update your class(es) to propagate the run 
> stage assigned to them to classes they themselves declare (where it is 
> appropriate to do so).  The $stage magic variable can help you do that.
> John

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