I'm guessing that the problem is in 

class mcollective (
  $install_dependencies = params_lookup( 'install_dependencies' ),
  $stomp_host           = params_lookup( 'stomp_host' ),
  $stomp_port           = params_lookup( 'stomp_port' ),
  $stomp_user           = params_lookup( 'stomp_user' ),
  $stomp_password       = params_lookup( 'stomp_password' ),
  $stomp_admin          = params_lookup( 'stomp_admin' ),
  $stomp_admin_password = params_lookup( 'stomp_admin_password' ),
  $install_client       = params_lookup( 'install_client' ),
  $install_stomp_server = params_lookup( 'install_stomp_server' ),
  $install_plugins      = params_lookup( 'install_plugins' ),
  $psk                  = params_lookup( 'psk' ),
  $package_client       = params_lookup( 'package_client' ),
  $config_file_client   = params_lookup( 'config_file_client' ),
  $template_client      = params_lookup( 'template_client' ),
  $template_stomp_server = params_lookup( 'template_stomp_server' ),
  $my_class             = params_lookup( 'my_class' ),
  $source               = params_lookup( 'source' ),
  $source_dir           = params_lookup( 'source_dir' ),
  $source_dir_purge     = params_lookup( 'source_dir_purge' ),
  $template             = params_lookup( 'template' ),
  $service_autorestart  = params_lookup( 'service_autorestart' , 'global' ),
  $options              = params_lookup( 'options' ),
  $version              = params_lookup( 'version' ),
  $absent               = params_lookup( 'absent' ),
  $disable              = params_lookup( 'disable' ),
  $disableboot          = params_lookup( 'disableboot' ),
  $monitor              = params_lookup( 'monitor' , 'global' ),
  $monitor_tool         = params_lookup( 'monitor_tool' , 'global' ),
  $monitor_target       = params_lookup( 'monitor_target' , 'global' ),
  $puppi                = params_lookup( 'puppi' , 'global' ),
  $puppi_helper         = params_lookup( 'puppi_helper' , 'global' ),
  $firewall             = params_lookup( 'firewall' , 'global' ),
  $firewall_tool        = params_lookup( 'firewall_tool' , 'global' ),
  $firewall_src         = params_lookup( 'firewall_src' , 'global' ),
  $firewall_dst         = params_lookup( 'firewall_dst' , 'global' ),
  $debug                = params_lookup( 'debug' , 'global' ),
  $audit_only           = params_lookup( 'audit_only' , 'global' ),
  $package              = params_lookup( 'package' ),
  $service              = params_lookup( 'service' ),
  $service_status       = params_lookup( 'service_status' ),
  $process              = params_lookup( 'process' ),
  $process_args         = params_lookup( 'process_args' ),
  $process_user         = params_lookup( 'process_user' ),
  $config_dir           = params_lookup( 'config_dir' ),
  $config_file          = params_lookup( 'config_file' ),
  $config_file_mode     = params_lookup( 'config_file_mode' ),
  $config_file_owner    = params_lookup( 'config_file_owner' ),
  $config_file_group    = params_lookup( 'config_file_group' ),
  $config_file_init     = params_lookup( 'config_file_init' ),
  $pid_file             = params_lookup( 'pid_file' ),
  $data_dir             = params_lookup( 'data_dir' ),
  $log_dir              = params_lookup( 'log_dir' ),
  $log_file             = params_lookup( 'log_file' ),
  $port                 = params_lookup( 'port' ),
  $protocol             = params_lookup( 'protocol' )
  ) inherits mcollective::params {

  $bool_install_dependencies =any2bool($install_dependencies )

  ### Definition of some variables used in the module
  $manage_package = $mcollective::bool_absent ? {
    true  => 'absent',
    false => $mcollective::version,

  $manage_service_enable = $mcollective::bool_disableboot ? {
    true    => false,
    default => $mcollective::bool_disable ? {
      true    => false,
      default => $mcollective::bool_absent ? {
        true  => false,
        false => true,

  $manage_service_ensure = $mcollective::bool_disable ? {
    true    => 'stopped',
    default =>  $mcollective::bool_absent ? {
      true    => 'stopped',
      default => 'running',

  $manage_service_autorestart = $mcollective::bool_service_autorestart ? {
    true    => Service[mcollective],
    false   => undef,

  $manage_file = $mcollective::bool_absent ? {
    true    => 'absent',
    default => 'present',

  if $mcollective::bool_absent == true
  or $mcollective::bool_disable == true
  or $mcollective::bool_disableboot == true {
    $manage_monitor = false
  } else {
    $manage_monitor = true

  if $mcollective::bool_absent == true
  or $mcollective::bool_disable == true {
    $manage_firewall = false
  } else {
    $manage_firewall = true

  $manage_audit = $mcollective::bool_audit_only ? {
    true  => 'all',
    false => undef,

  $manage_file_replace = $mcollective::bool_audit_only ? {
    true  => false,
    false => true,

  $manage_file_source = $mcollective::source ? {
    ''        => undef,
    default   => $mcollective::source,

  # A default template is provided if $mcollective::stomp_host is
  # set and no $mcollective::source or $mcollective::template
  # is explicitely set
  $manage_file_content = $mcollective::template ? {
    ''        => $mcollective::source ? {
      ''      => $mcollective::stomp_host ? {
        ''      => undef,
        default => template('mcollective/server.cfg.erb'),
      default => undef,
    default   => template($mcollective::template),

  $manage_file_content_client = $mcollective::template_client ? {
    ''        => template('mcollective/client.cfg.erb'),
    default   => template($mcollective::template_client),

  ### Managed resources
  package { $mcollective::package:
    ensure => $mcollective::manage_package,

  service { 'mcollective':
    ensure     => $mcollective::manage_service_ensure,
    name       => $mcollective::service,
    enable     => $mcollective::manage_service_enable,
    hasstatus  => $mcollective::service_status,
    pattern    => $mcollective::process,
    require    => Package[$mcollective::package],

  file { 'mcollective.conf':
    ensure  => $mcollective::manage_file,
    path    => $mcollective::config_file,
    mode    => $mcollective::config_file_mode,
    owner   => $mcollective::config_file_owner,
    group   => $mcollective::config_file_group,
    require => Package[$mcollective::package],
    notify  => $mcollective::manage_service_autorestart,
    source  => $mcollective::manage_file_source,
    content => $mcollective::manage_file_content,
    replace => $mcollective::manage_file_replace,
    audit   => $mcollective::manage_audit,

  # The whole mcollective configuration directory can be recursively 
  if $mcollective::source_dir {
    file { 'mcollective.dir':
      ensure  => directory,
      path    => $mcollective::config_dir,
      require => Package[$mcollective::package],
      notify  => $mcollective::manage_service_autorestart,
      source  => $mcollective::source_dir,
      recurse => true,
      purge   => $mcollective::bool_source_dir_purge,
      replace => $mcollective::manage_file_replace,
      audit   => $mcollective::manage_audit,

  ### Include custom class if $my_class is set
  if $mcollective::my_class {
    include $mcollective::my_class

  ### Include mcollective client if $install_client == true
  if $mcollective::bool_install_client == true {
    include mcollective::client

  ### Include Stomp Server (ActiveMQ) if $install_stomp_server == true
  if $mcollective::bool_install_stomp_server == true {
    include mcollective::stomp_server

  ### Include Mcollective Plugins
  if $mcollective::bool_install_plugins == true {
    include mcollective::plugins

  ### Provide puppi data, if enabled ( puppi => true )
  if $mcollective::bool_puppi == true {
    puppi::ze { 'mcollective':
      ensure    => $mcollective::manage_file,
      variables => $classvars,
      filter    => '.*content.*|.*password.*|.*psk.*',
      helper    => $mcollective::puppi_helper,
    # Mcollective puppi plugin
    include puppi::mcollective::server

  ### Service monitoring, if enabled ( monitor => true )
  if $mcollective::bool_monitor == true {
    monitor::port { 
      protocol    => $mcollective::protocol,
      port        => $mcollective::stomp_port,
      target      => $mcollective::stomp_host,
      tool        => $mcollective::monitor_tool,
      checksource => 'local',
      enable      => $mcollective::manage_monitor,
    monitor::process { 'mcollective_process':
      process  => $mcollective::process,
      service  => $mcollective::service,
      pidfile  => $mcollective::pid_file,
      user     => $mcollective::process_user,
      argument => $mcollective::process_args,
      tool     => $mcollective::monitor_tool,
      enable   => $mcollective::manage_monitor,

  ### Firewall management, if enabled ( firewall => true )
  if $mcollective::bool_firewall == true {
    firewall { "mcollective_${mcollective::protocol}_${mcollective::port}":
      source      => $mcollective::firewall_src,
      destination => $mcollective::firewall_dst,
      protocol    => $mcollective::protocol,
      port        => $mcollective::port,
      action      => 'allow',
      direction   => 'input',
      tool        => $mcollective::firewall_tool,
      enable      => $mcollective::manage_firewall,

  ### Debugging, if enabled ( debug => true )
  if $mcollective::bool_debug == true {
    file { 'debug_mcollective':
      ensure  => $mcollective::manage_file,
      path    => "${settings::vardir}/debug-mcollective",
      mode    => '0640',
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      content => inline_template('<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s 
=~ /(uptime.*|path|timestamp|free|.*password.*|.*psk.*|.*key)/ }.to_yaml 

  ### Yaml based fact source for mcollective.
  file { 'facts.yaml':
    ensure   => $mcollective::manage_file,
    path     => "${mcollective::config_dir}/facts.yaml",
    mode     => '0400',
    owner    => 'root',
    group    => 'root',
    require  => Package[$mcollective::package],
    loglevel => debug,  # this is needed to avoid it being logged and 
reported on every run
    # avoid including highly-dynamic facts as they will cause unnecessary 
template writes
    content  => inline_template('<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~ 
}.to_yaml %>'),


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