Many thanks Stefan!

On Monday, April 8, 2013 7:46:53 PM UTC+3, Stefan Schulte wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 02:16:07 -0700 (PDT) 
> <javascript:> wrote: 
> > Thanks for all the information Stefan! 
> > I'd be happy to see the module you're using if it's possible. 
> > 
> > Roee. 
> > 
> Ok so I have a hpoml::client class to include at node level. It 
> basically consists of a hpoml::user class where I define the `opc_op` 
> User and the `opcgrp` group (to have consistent uid and gid across 
> machines) and the class hpoml::client::package. I guess I can share 
> that one: 
> class hpoml::client::package ($server = 'your_master_server', $minversion 
> = '11.11.025') { 
>   if ! ($::operatingsystem in [ 'Solaris', 'RedHat' ]) { 
>     fail "operatingsystem ${::operatingsystem} is currently not supported. 
> Must be one of Solaris, RedHat" 
>   } 
>   $installer = '/some/nas/share/Agt_11.11.x/' 
>   $install_arguments = '-install -agent -includeupdates -defer_configure' 
>   $update_arguments = '-install -agent -includeupdates' 
>   exec { 'Install_OML': 
>     command  => "${installer} ${install_arguments}", 
>     creates  => [ 
>       '/opt/OV/bin/ovc', 
>       '/opt/OV/bin/ovconfget', 
>     ], 
>     timeout  => '1800',  # 30 minutes 
>   } 
>   exec { 'Configure_OML': 
>     command => '/opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/ -configure -agent', 
>     creates => [ 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvAgtLc.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvBbc.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvConf.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvCtrl.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvDepl.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvEaAgt.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvGlanc.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvPacc.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvPerfAgt.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvPerfMI.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvPerlA.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvSecCC.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvSecCo.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/HPOvXpl.xml', 
>       '/var/opt/OV/installation/inventory/Operations-agent.xml', 
>     ], 
>     require => Exec['Install_OML'], 
>   } 
>   exec { 'Activate_OML': 
>     command => "/opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcactivate -srv ${server} 
> -cert_srv ${server}", 
>     unless  => "/opt/OV/bin/ovconfget sec.core.auth MANAGER | /bin/grep 
> ${server}", 
>     require => Exec['Configure_OML'], 
>   } 
>   # only patch if ovo is already installed and if the current version 
>   # is below the minversion. We do not downgrade. 
>   if $::opcagtversion and versioncmp($::opcagtversion, $minversion) < 0 { 
>     exec { 'Patch_OML': 
>       command => "${installer} ${update_arguments}", 
>       timeout => '1800',  # 30 minutes 
>       require => Exec['Install_OML'], 
>     } 
>   } 
> } 
> works pretty well. If we get a new version I try the installer by hand 
> a couple of times (the class does not downgrade, only upgrade). If it 
> does not fail I bump the $minversion default parameter and puppet will 
> patch all my systems. 
> -Stefan 

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