On Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:50:59 +0200
Dirk Heinrichs <dirk.heinri...@altum.de> wrote:
> I'm facing a similar problem, on one single Windows machine out of
> more than 100. If I run any puppet command, I get above warning.

We'll first try to get a clearer error message. Please go to your facter
installation directory on your agent and modify the file
`util/resolution.rb`. Change

Facter.warnonce 'Using Facter::Util::Resolution.exec with a shell built-in is 
deprecated. Most built-ins can be replaced with native ruby commands. If you 
really have to run a built-in, pass "cmd /c your_builtin" as a command' unless 


Facter.warnonce "Using Facter::Util::Resolution.exec with a shell built-in 
(here: #{code}) is deprecated. Most built-ins can be replaced with native ruby 
commands. If you really have to run a built-in, pass \"cmd /c your_builtin\" as 
a command" unless expanded_code

Then run your agent again. This way you should see the command that
puppet complains about.

> Additionally, it can't execute the following simple class to update
> the puppet.conf file:
> class puppetconf {
>   service { 'PuppetAgent':
>     name => 'puppet',
>     ensure => 'running',
>     enable => 'true',
>     subscribe => File['puppet.conf'],
>   }
>   file { 'puppet.conf':
>     path => 'C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc/puppet.conf',
>     ensure => file,
>     source => 'puppet:///modules/puppetconf/puppet.conf',
>   }
> }
> It fails with the following error:
> Error: /Service[PuppetAgent]: Could not evaluate: Could not find init
> script for 'puppet'

Can you provide the output of your agent when you run with `--debug`?
This way we should be able to see the actual provider the agent picks
for the service resource.

Also the output of the following command would be helpful

    facter operatingsystem

the above command should return "windows"


the above command should be found. If not please check your path
(try running `facter path`)


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