On Thu, 9 May 2013 13:58:45 -0700 (PDT)
John Simpson <j...@voalte.com> wrote:

> I've done the following, it ended up being a bit simpler for me when
> I'm not sure what random services a new CentOS install has installed
> and/or enabled...
>   define no_service ( ) {
>     service { "${name}" :
>       ensure => stopped ,
>       enable => false ,
>       status => "stat -t /etc/rc?.d/S??${name} > /dev/null 2>&1" ,
>     }
>   }
> You can then declare individual service names, or lists of service
> names, each of which will be disabled and shut down if the service is
> enabled. If a particular service doesn't exist, the puppet agent does
> nothing.
>   no_service { 'ip6tables' : }
>   no_service { [ 'nfslock' , 'portmap' , 'xyzzy' ] : }
> The only caveat is, if a service is disabled (i.e. "chkconfig service
> off") but the service is still running, the puppet agent won't stop
> it. Of course, if you have a service which is normally off and you've
> only enabled it to test something, this could be a good thing...

you should be able to just specify `hasstatus => false`. This way
puppet will check the process list in order to get the current status
and will not run the (absent) initscript to get the status.


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