I may have found the problem:

Add the following block of code  - you will need to have the puppet-forge 
module stdlib installed -- and see what it does

class java::install ( 
    $parameters = hiera('java', []), 
) { 

    # ------------------------- start 
    include stdlib

    if is_hash ( $parameters ) {
        notify { "It is a hash" : } 
    } else {
         notify { "It is NOT a hash" : } 

    if $parameters {
        $hashkeez = keys ( $parameters )
        notify { [ $hashkeez ]:
            message => "Key",
    # ------------------------- end

    if $parameters['openjdk'] == true { 
        if $parameters['enable_v6'] == true and 
$java::params::openjdk_6_jre { 
            package { $java::params::openjdk_6_jre: 
                ensure => latest, 

On Wednesday, June 5, 2013 4:52:24 PM UTC-4, Ti Leggett wrote:
> It seems puppet thinks that variables evaluate to true even when they are 
> explicitly set to false in hiera YAML. 
> In my searching it seems like this should be fixed but with hiera 1.2.1 
> and puppet 3.2.1 I'm still seeing this. 
> In my YAML I have: 
> # Java directives 
> java : 
>     enable_jdk : false # Install the JDK as well as the JRE 
>     enable_v6  : true  # Install Java 6 
>     enable_v7  : false # Install Java 7 
>     openjdk    : true  # Install OpenJDK 
>     sun        : false # Install Sun 
> And in one of my manifests I do something like: 
> class java::install ( 
>     $parameters = hiera('java', []), 
> ) { 
>     if $parameters['openjdk'] == true { 
>         if $parameters['enable_v6'] == true and 
> $java::params::openjdk_6_jre { 
>             package { $java::params::openjdk_6_jre: 
>                 ensure => latest, 
>             } 
>             if $parameters['enable_jdk'] == true and 
> $java::params::openjdk_6_jdk { 
>                 package { $java::params::openjdk_6_jdk: 
>                     ensure => latest, 
>                 } 
>             } 
>         } 
> … 
> No matter what it thinks it should install the JDK package even though the 
> parameter is set to false. I've tried setting it 0, False, n, and N and it 
> always evaluates to true. Is this a known bug and if so is there a 
> workaround? 

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