I am getting the same exact error. My puppet version is 3.2.1. The weird 
thing is that, my other nodes running on different version of puppet did 
not experience this error. This is a new node running on VMWare  Centos 
system. Anyone has any idea?

On Monday, June 17, 2013 1:36:17 AM UTC-7, René Weber wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm am currently trying to get my puppet running on Version 3.1.1 together 
> with puppetlabs spec helper.
> I managed to set up all my global modules correctly, including fixtures 
> and specs but I can not manage to implement specs in my environment.
> Everytime I run 'rake spec' in my environments' module, I receive a 
> cryptical error like
>  Puppet::Error:
>        Could not autoload puppet/type/service: undefined method 
> `invalidate_refreshes=' for #<Puppet::Parameter::Value:0x7f622a167298> on 
> node xy
> *The weird thing is, if I copy a module where 'rake spec' is succeeding 
> from '/etc/puppet/modules/' to my environment, I get the same result.*
> *My configuration look like this:*
> */etc/puppet/environments/first/modules/vpn/Rakfile*
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks'
> */etc/puppet/environments/first/modules/vpn/manifest/tunnel.pp*
> class vpn::tunnel {
>    somestuff
> }
> */etc/puppet/environments/first/modules/vpn/spec/spec_helper.rb*
> require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/module_spec_helper'
> And my specfile does currently only define some facts...
> Any Ideas?? I am really running out of ideas.

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