[snipped heavily, hopefully nothing important]

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 09:48:48AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Monday, June 17, 2013 12:28:18 AM UTC-5, Robin Powell wrote:
> >
> > Doing this via storeconfigs rather defeats the purpose of my
> > Hiera tree, which is to be the single source of truth. 
> >
> I think you're focusing on the wrong thing when you say that.  To
> the extent that it's applicable to the problem, storeconfigs is
> simply the infrastructure that makes exported resources work.  It
> is in no way an independent source of truth, because everything in
> it comes from declarations made in one manifest or another, based
> on node facts and possibly on data from some other source.

I didn't see the point in getting into this before, but you raise
valid issues, so:

That would be true, if facts automatically expired when not renewed,
but they don't.  I've had *no end* of trouble with lies sticking
around because they were in storeconfigs.  I don't mean to propose
that they *should* auto-expire, as that doesn't fit the model at
all, but it's still a very real problem.

> You might find it convenient and logical to structure it as one
> large, complex, nested value, from which the individual components
> would select the pieces they need.  For example, a hash with VM
> hostnames as keys, and hashes of VM names to VM parameter hashes
> as values (i.e. a trebly-nested hash).  Alternatively, there are
> ways you could spread out the data over multiple Hiera keys, but
> the overall logical structure is going to be similar.

*nodnod*  OK, that seems sane, thanks.

> It should be obvious at this point is that with this kind of data
> structure, you are not going to be able to use automated class
> parameter binding to assist in declaring most of the various
> interrelated bits and pieces.

Enh; I've already gotten around that with my users setup by using

> Given those choices, I would probably opt for exported resources,
> myself.

It's been so bad for me.  ;_;  After the 4th time of "Why won't
nagios stop alerting on this host I turned off and removed from all
my configs!?! ... Oh.", I got really sick of it.  The *main goal*
for me in using Hiera is to never use storeconfigs ever again.


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