Thank you for giving my question a look,
I'm starting up working with puppet and so far its great, however the 
apache module is driving me crazy :-/
The manual on the website 
gives tons of options, only a view work for me.
I have installed the 0.6.0 

I've installed it on debian 7.1:

*wget -q*
*dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-wheezy.deb >/dev/null*
*apt-get update >/dev/null
*apt-get install -y puppet-common >/dev/null
*puppet module install puppetlabs/apache*

I'm trying to setup an webserver with "AllowOverride All"

I created a file called ini.pp and run:
*puppet apply init.pp* 
To apply it.

# init.pp
group { "puppet":
   ensure => "present",

apache::vhost { 'www.test.local':
  port    => '80',
  docroot => '/vagrant/web/',
  directory => [ { path => '/vagrant/web/', allow_override => ['All']  }], 
Invalid parameter directory*
  docroot_group => 'vagrant',
  docroot_owner => 'vagrant',

How to correctly set this "allowed_override ? puppet seems to not recognise 
the directory keyword. But installed is the latest version 0.6.0 of 

In another attempt i tried to get SSL working and some keywords that are 
described in the manual i some how misuse..

apache::vhost { 'default-ssl':
  port             => 443,
  ssl              => true,
  ssl_key          => '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key', *#Error: 
Invalid parameter ssl_key*
  ssl_cert         => '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',   *#Error: 
Invalid parameter ssl_cert*
  docroot          => '/vagrant/web/',

Hope some one can help me out how to correctly use these to get my 
webserver configured with puppet.

Many thanks in advance,


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