
I've written a custom report which just makes an HTTP call to one of my 
servers so that I can log the event.

The report installs itself when the puppetmaster puppets itself. The report 
script is copied from $MODULE_NAME/lib/puppet/reports/callback.rb into the 
puppetmaster's /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/reports directory.

The problem is the config file. Is there a nice way for puppet to deploy 
this itself? We build puppetmasters automatically and it's annoying to have 
to copy the config file in each time. The puppetmaster has a heira file 
containing the necessary values, and I have a template and rule to put it 
in place:

file { "callback_report_processor_config":
name => "/etc/puppet/callback.yaml",
content => template("${module_name}/etc/puppet/callback.yaml.erb"),
ensure => file,
owner => "puppet",
group => "puppet",

But this does not run early enough when the puppetmaster is puppeting 
itself. Is there a special location in the catalogue I can put the config 
file so that it is installed properly like the report script. I'm running 
puppet 2.7.



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