hi, im trying to update the puppet windows agent on my windows server 2008 
r2 node.

i installed puppet-3.2.2 manually. my goal is to update the puppet agent to 

i tried that with the following manifest:


class base_puppet_agent {
   include base_puppet_agent::install,


class base_puppet_agent::install {
   case $::operatingsystem {
      windows : {
         package { 'PuppetWindows':
            name    => 'Puppet',
            ensure   => installed,
            source   => 
            provider => windows
      centos, redhat: {
         package { 'puppet':
            ensure => installed,


class base_puppet_agent::service {
   service { 'puppet':
      ensure     => running,
      enable     => true,
      hasstatus  => true,
      hasrestart => true


class base_puppet_agent::config {

   case $::operatingsystem {
      windows: {
         file { 'C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\puppet.conf':
            source => "puppet:///modules/base_puppet_agent/puppet_windows.conf",
            notify => Service['puppet'],
            require => Package ['PuppetWindows']
      centos, redhat: {
         file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
            source => "puppet:///modules/base_puppet_agent/puppet.conf",
            owner => 'root',
            group => 'root',
            mode => '0644',
            notify => Service['puppet'],
            require => Package ['puppet']

the puppet run works perfectly. no errors whatsoever. the problem is, that 
it doesn't update to the desired version. it just checks, if a package 
named "puppet" is installed, but ignores the current version.


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