
group { "addgroup_$group":
   name => $group,
   git       => $gid

Best regards,
Sergey Arlashin

On Aug 6, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Andreas Dvorak <andreas.dvo...@googlemail.com> 

> Hello,
> I have written a module to add user and it does work with one user. But if I 
> use two user puppet tells me:
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Duplicate declaration: Group[badm] is already declared in file 
> /etc/puppet/git/modules/useradd/manifests/init.pp at line 9; cannot redeclare 
> on node vm6740.muc.baag
> How can I change the group creating part to get rid of this error?
> Here is my module file
> ~/git/test.git/modules/useradd/manifests$ cat init.pp 
> define useradd ( $name, $uid, $group, $gid, $password, $shell, $sshkeytype, 
> $sshkey) {
>    $homedir = $kernel ? {
>       'SunOS' => '/export/home',
>       default   => '/home'
>    }
>    group { $group:
>       gid => "$gid",
>    }
>    $username = $title
>    user { $username:
>       ensure => present,
>       comment => "$name",
>       uid => "$uid",
>       gid => "$gid",
>       shell => "$shell",
>       home => "$homedir/$username",
>       managehome => true,
>       password => "$password",
>       require => group["$group"],
>    }
>    exec { $username:
>       command => "/bin/cp -R /etc/skel $homedir/$username; /bin/chown -R 
> $username:$group $homedir/$username ",
>       creates => "$homedir/$username",
>       require => user["$username"],
>    }
>    ssh_authorized_key { $username:
>       user => "$username",
>       type => "$sshkeytype",
>       key => "$sshkey",
>       require => exec["$username"],
>    }
> }
> and here are the manifests files.
> ~/git/test.git/manifests$ cat nodes.pp 
> node 'vm6739' {
>    include git_puppet_update
> }
> node 'vm6740' {
>    import "create_admin_user.pp"
> }
> ~/git/test.git/manifests$ cat create_admin_user.pp
> useradd { "test":
>    name => "test",
>    uid => "881",
>    gid => "888",
>    group => "badm",
>    shell => "/bin/bash",
>    password => 'Yvrp7r/L.ah8AliUXLMM9LZN/hQOtaYXUXNFQ8kOaqzUp1/jkH61SaE7gz/',
>    sshkeytype => "rsa",
>    sshkey => 
> "5j5llTO3cVcbPQYlII/5Arzwnj5gyzpm3xZL3o9vaAX1pA4F1Lq87ZBrZxrTS2F0G7hHJDffhqwlYoWfl1755hWeNeNZWQBcF2",
> }
> useradd { "testuser1":
>    name => "test user1",
>    uid => "2012",
>    gid => "888",
>    group => "badm",
>    shell => "/bin/bash",
>    password => 
> '$6$0vY.Ob.b$uOClxSzliv.Jxt1XoWXjbLXtnf5JzqL5pP.caiF0JMxjptxEq9gj72KrU7CqB7ez0gCt6fAB1',
>    sshkeytype => "rsa",
>    sshkey => 
> "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC8tCVus/i5CN8KpqsEy1L3KIa0xRS9/QqgNc39q877hHJDffhqwlYoWfl1755hWeNeNZWQBcF2",
> }
> -- 
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