Despite no change in file (actually, template) content, with each catalog 
run I get such log output as: 

Aug 19 20:49:50 app-dev puppet-agent[30132]: 
content changed '{md5}b8a5c22154e45771bc09ef5c34
[root@chimps-dev puppet]# service puppet restart                           
                             │603e7f' to 

Which indicates that the file changed on the puppet master and so will be 
updated on the agent. 

This happens consistently and results in a service restart when the files 
are config files like httpd.conf. 

this is with puppet 2.6.18 on RHEL 6 (puppet master) and RHEL 5 (puppet 

Here is my init.pp in my apache module. Note that I'm using templates only 
(nothing in my files directory) 

class apache-httpd {

  $moduleName = "apache-httpd"

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf':
       owner => "root",
       group => "root",
       mode => 0644,
       ensure => 'file',
#       source => 
       content => template('apache-httpd/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.erb'),

file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf':
       owner => "root",
       group => "root",
       mode => 0644,
       ensure => 'file',
#       source => 
       content => 

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf':
       owner => "root",
       group => "root",
       mode => 0644,
       ensure => 'file',
##       source => 
       content => template('apache-httpd/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.erb'),


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