Hi @all,

I'm trying to setup an openstack test cluster with one controller node and
three compute nodes. Therefor I've used the puppetlabs openstack modules.
On the controller node I've used:

   - openstack::auth_file
   - openstack::controller
   - openstack::repo
   - openstack::repo::yum_refresh
   - openstack::test_file

On the compute node I've used:

   - openstack::compute
   - openstack::repo
   - openstack::repo::yum_refresh

The configuration is completely done with parameters. On the controller
node I specified the following parameters (the rest remain default as
specified in params.pp):

openstack::auth_file     admin_password         s3cret
openstack::controller    admin_email            john.doe@example.local
                         admin_password         s3cret
                         bridge_interface       eth1
                         cinder_db_password     s3cret
                         cinder_user_password   s3cret
                         glance_db_password     s3cret
                         glance_user_password   s3cret
                         horizon_app_links      "
                         keystone_admin_token   keystone_admin_token
                         keystone_db_password   s3cret
                         multi_host             true
                         mysql_root_password    s3cret
                         nova_db_password       s3cret
                         nova_user_password     s3cret
                         private_interface      eth1
                         public_interface       eth0
                         quantum                false
                         rabbit_password        s3cret
                         secret_key             s3cret
                         verbose                true
openstack::test_file     floating_ip            true
                         quantum                false
                         sleep_time             120

On the compute nodes the configuration is like this (for testing I have
both, KVM and QUEMU nodes):

openstack::compute       cinder_db_password     s3cret
                         db_host                controller1.example.local
                         keystone_host          controller1.example.local
                         libvirt_type           qemu
                         multi_host             true
                         nova_db_password       s3cret
                         nova_user_password     s3cret
                         private_interface      eth1
                         public_interface       eth0
                         purge_nova_config      false
                         quantum                false
                         quantum_user_password  s3cret
                         rabbit_host            controller1.example.local
                         rabbit_password        s3cret
                         setup_test_volume      true
                         verbose                true
                         vncproxy_host          controller1.example.local

Preparations with volume groups as stated in the module documentation are
done before installation. The installation is working so far, I can connect
to the controller node but several things don't work as expected. I.e.,
when I go to the system info page I only see services from the controller
node but no service from the compute nodes. I can create VMs without
storage but no VMs with storage. So I guess I did something wrong or not
completely. Does anyone know if I miss something (i.e. with the parameters)?

The platform is Scientific 6.4 with openstack modules version 2.1.0.

Regards Thomas
Linux ... enjoy the ride!

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