Has anyone been able to get this working?

For some reason, I am unable to get values decrypted via a puppet run,
despite being able to decrpyt via command line....

I am starting to wonder if there is a bug or something I am missing??

I SO appreciate ANY help!


:backends: - gpg
                 - yaml
:logger: console

:hierarchy: - %{env}/%{calling_module}
            - common

   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata

   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata


Here is my init.pp file

# Class: testdecry

# [Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition]
class testdecry {
$env = 'live'
$pass = hiera("rootpwd")
notify{"The value is: ${pass}":}


My encrypted file is in:

[root@me]# ls

Command line works:
[root@me ]# hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml rootpwd
calling_module=testdecry env=live

Running via puppet fails
[root@me]# puppet agent --test
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
can't convert nil into String at
/etc/puppet/modules/testdecry/manifests/init.pp:17 on node me.net
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

I am totally at a loss here....

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