Without hiera you have all those extra classes you posted below including this very specific one. I think your classes are too complicated to begin with regardless of where the data is, but the lack of data separation probably sent you down that path.

class role::zabbix20::server::dc1 {
  include profile::zabbix20::server::dc1

With Hiera this is enough

  include role::zabbix

You're now thinking, "How do I specify this machine is a server, in dc1, and installing zabbix 2?" To answer we will start over and try to build what you have with Hiera. This is a little hard to deal with in email, but I think you'll get the idea.

node zabbixserver {
  # this is a top level role for the zabbix server
  include role::zabbix

class role::zabbix {
  include profile::base
  include profile::zabbixserver

class profile::zabbixserver {
  include profile::apache
  include zabbix

class zabbix(
  $bind_ip =,
  $version = present,
) {
 blah blah

This Hiera config assumes you have a dc and role fact of some sort. This may or may not be easy in your environment.

    - %{fqdn}
    - %{dc}
    - %{role}
    - %{environment}
    - common

This is our role data
zabbix::version: '2.0'
zabbix::bind_ip: ''

These are the dc bits of data
zabbix::bind_ip: ''

zabbix::bind_ip: ''

Your parametrized class will autolookup matching parameters from Hiera in Puppet 3.x or you can specify them manually. Machines in dc1 get, dc2 gets, and any machine gets

In summary we move data into Hiera and replace module::someclass::dc with a simple module that does a lookup to a data file based on facts that have classified the node.


On 9/3/2013 8:49 AM, Frederiko Costa wrote:
Excellent.. thanks!

And now sorry for the long email... hopefully I'm clear enough.

I'd also to expose one example that I have here in my company. I'm not
too confident of how we setup roles and profiles, specially when it
comes to add hiera into the game.

Say we have a module called zabbix20::agent. The configuration file will
be generated using erb templated with data coming from parametized
classes. So far, it looks good. Data separation, modules look portable, etc.

As far as I understood going through the article is that you define the
technology stack in the profile, and the role as collection of profiles.
Well, in that case I'd say I would have something similar to this:

class profile::zabbix20::server {
   class { '::zabbix20::server' :
       bind_ip => "",

and then it would probably go to a base profile (profile::base) and
inherited by a base role. That fits perfectly with single site scenario.
Say you now have multiple data centers with different zabbix servers on
each. The way I understood ...

class profile::zabbix20::server::dc1 {
   class { '::zabbix20::server' :
       bind_ip => "",
class profile::zabbix20::server::dc2 {
   class { '::zabbix20::server' :
       bind_ip => "",

  include httpd

then the roles:
class role::zabbix20::server::dc1 {
   include profile::zabbix20::server::dc1

and the nodes ...

node 'a.b.c.d' { include   include profile::zabbix20::server::dc1 }
node 'x.y.z.w' { include   include profile::zabbix20::server::dc2 }

That being said ... How would I actually add hiera into the game? I
don't a straightforward way to use hiera and benefit the data
separation. I have to include the business logic in the profile. How
would I actually do that using hiera? Can't see a direct way.

The other discussion I had with my co-worker is ... they actually
created two modules: roles and profiles. If I want to change, I have to
actually change the modules. Isn't it desirable to have these out of the
modulespath? I don't see why we have to do this way if are trying to
abstract things and avoiding touching modules whenever we can.

Thanks in advance.

On Friday, August 30, 2013 4:09:39 PM UTC-7, Ramin K wrote:

    On 8/30/2013 3:48 PM, Frederiko Costa wrote:
     > Hi everyone,
     > Do you guys know any article/doc talking about the use of
     > approach with hiera?
     > I'm particularly interested in how to organize the manifests when
     > multiple data centers, parametized classes and wants to use hiera.
     > Being even more specific, how to organize the code using the Craig's
     > article (http://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/
    <http://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/>) and use hiera to
     >   provide node specific data.
     > thank you,
     > -fred

    Couple of links on the subject that I like.

    Craig Dunn at Puppet Camp Feb 2013 which is a good addendum to his
    original articles, http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/roles-talk

    Carla Souza's Puppet Conf talk on managing Hiera values. IMO this will
    become a very influential presentation over the next year as generally
    available tooling catches up to the ideas presented. I'm surprised
    hasn't been more discussion about it.

    Hunner's github repo for his Role/Profile session at Puppet Conf.

    My example of using role/profile. I skipped over most of the design and
    philosophy which Craig covered quite well and dove straight into
    what it
    might looks like with a complicated set of data in a real world


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