Hello guys,

I'm creating a module to manage redis, and facing just a little problem
with that.
I have the following init.pp

class redis {
  include redis::install
  include redis::service
  include redis::params   # redis:: params also import
                          # redis::config and
                          # redis::monitoring

My params class receive some parameters from a define called redisInstance:

class redis::params {
  define redisInstance ($redis_port = 6379, $redis_host = "",
$slaveof  = false, $master_port = false) {
    include redis::config, redis::monitoring

Into redisInstance I have two includes to both, configure and monitoring
redis, with I do based on the given parameters.
The problem is that I'm not able to create a second instance just like this:

  redis::params::redisInstance {
      "redis_6379": redis_port    => "6379", redis_host    =>
"", slaveof       => "", master_port   => "6872";
      "redis_6380": redis_port    => "6380", redis_host    =>
"", slaveof       => "", master_port   => "6880";

Finally, the part which should configure multiple instances is on config.pp
and is the following:

  file { "/etc/redis/redis_${redis_port}.conf":
    ensure  => file,
    content => template("redis/config/redis.conf.erb"),
    mode    => 0644,
    notify  => Class["redis::service"];

My question is, why the "define" redisInstance cannot create multiple
instances when I use the "include" directive, but when I call the "file"
directive into the define it create as many instances as I want ?
For example, If I use the include directive and call de define as the
redis::params::redisInstance {
      "redis_6379": redis_port    => "6379", redis_host    =>
"", slaveof       => "", master_port   => "6872";
      "redis_6380": redis_port    => "6380", redis_host    =>
"", slaveof       => "", master_port   => "6880";
It just creats a single instance(6379) and not the second one(6380).

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