> Here, puppetdb is just an example, I have given the fact is I am able to
> open this URL using localhost & curl command in Linux terminal.


> However, same I am expecting to get via browser.

Right but like I said, the API parts don't work in a browser unless
you are using some form of Javascript/AJAX style access. The API is
designed to be programmatically called via another program or piece of
software. There is a dashboard though which does contain some browser
content for humans to look at, is that what you mean?

Your two statements are not making sense to me, one the one hand you
want to access the API and integrate things from another tool, but on
the other hand you expect browser output. I presume the confusion here
is that you are having connectivity issues generally and that a
'browser' is just a method of testing that.

> I am trying to check
> feasibility of pupet to integrate with third party tool.

Right, and PuppetDB totally supports integration via its various REST
api's: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/1.4/api/index.html

> Here, we are developing in house automation tool & trying to push & execute
> scripts remotely from puppet master

I see, like mcollective? http://puppetlabs.com/mcollective

So besides your requirements ... did you see my previous point about
your hosts entry? That was the fault that seemed to be occurring for
your second curl, have you been able to remedy this yet? The issue to
me seems to be host resolution, not an issue with PuppetDB per se.


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