Comments inline.

On Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:19:45 AM UTC-5, TimV wrote:
> Hi -
> We’ve got a small test puppet setup that I am trying to get working.  2 
> hosts, a puppetmaster server and a client machine, both running version 
> 2.6.18.  The host has been added, and it’s certificate signed by the 
> puppetmaster server. 

That is a VERY old version, and has been EOL'd. I would recommend upgrading 
using the puppetlabs repos if at all possible.


> Using some of the examples from the Pro Puppet book (Turnball), I setup a 
> site.pp and nodes.pp under /etc/puppet/manifests 
> Then, under /etc/puppet/modules, I have some reciepes for ssh, motd, sudo, 
> ntp etc. 
> I should state that a number of months ago, this was working (at least on 
> the one test host machine I had). 
> I’ve come back to revisit this project and continue learning, but am now 
> getting error messages.  I can still add hosts, and get their certs signed, 
> but if, I run “puppet agent --test --noop” 
> I get the following error message:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Could not parse for environment production: Permission denied - 
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:2 on node 
> blah.blah.blah 
Check the permissions on your $modulepath, it looks like the user that 
puppet is running as (typically `puppet` for the Open Source version) 
cannot read the modules.

You can easily check them all at once with:

*for x in $(sudo puppet config print modulepath --mode <mode> | sed -e 
"s/:/ /g"); do ls -lR $x; done


> warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> site.pp simply ha: 
> import 'nodes.pp'
> my nodes.pp has: 
> class base { 
>   include sudo, ntp, motd, ssh, kerberos
> }
> node ‘’ {
>   include base
> }
> node '' {
>   include base
> }
> In terms of permissions, I have the puppet user with RWX on these files, 
> and directories.
> Any ideas?  Something change after I updated things?  
> Thanks.
> Tim

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