A question, if in my Exec "toto" i use command = yum -y --enablerepo=epel 
install fusioninventory-agent

and in my definition package there is :

ensure => latest,
require => Exec['toto'],

If i want upgrade package is not possible because the upgrade option in yum 
does not work 

and if in my Exec "toto" i use command = yum -y --enablerepo=epel upgrade 

If i want to install package is not possible because the install option in 
yum does not work 

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :
> Hi
> I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
> latest version
> my manifest :
> package { "fusioninventory-agent": ensure => latest, enablerepo => [ 
> "epel", "remi" ]; }
> there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
> not work in my configuration
> Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
> rpm repo with enablerepo command?
> regards

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