
I try to ensure our password policies using /etc/login.defs and PAM 

class pci_policy::password(
    $cracklib = $pci_policy::params::cracklib,
    $pam_password = $pci_policy::params::pam_password,
) inherits pci_policy::params {

    ensure => installed,

    ensure  => present,
    owner   => root,
    group   => root,
    mode    => 0644,
    source  => "puppet:///modules/pci_policy/login.defs.$::operatingsystem",
    require => Package[$cracklib],

  exec{'ensure password policy for pci':
    cwd     => '/bin/',
    command => "/bin/sed -i 's/^password.*cracklib.so.*/password        
requisite                       pam_cracklib.so retry=3 minlen=8 difok=5 
dcredit=-1 lcredit=-1 ucredit=-1 ocredit=-1/g' $pam_password",
    path    => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
    onlyif  => "grep '^password.*cracklib.so.*' $pam_password",
    require => Package[$cracklib],

  exec{'ensure password policy for pci when nothing is present':
    cwd     => '/bin/',
    command => "echo 'password        requisite                       
pam_cracklib.so retry=3 minlen=8 difok=5 dcredit=-1 lcredit=-1 ucredit=-1 
ocredit=-1' >> $pam_password",
    path    => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
    onlyif  => "grep -vq '^password.*cracklib.so.*' $pam_password",
    require => Package[$cracklib],

My problem are the exec commands. 

With the first exec I try to change an existing line with sed. 

With the second exec I try to add the rule if no line with 
"password.*cracklib" is existing. 
Unfortunately, this exec run when the return code of onlyif is 0. I don't 
know a command which return 0 when the line isn't available and return 1 
when the line is available. 

May be I'm thinking to complicated? Do you have another solution? 

Thanks a lot! 


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