Not sure if you got help or not but that error is telling you that
filesys_group_acl is not a resource type.  This is because you created
it as a class and not a defined resource type.  Defined types use the
"define" keyword instead of the "class" keyword.



On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Patrick Spinler <> wrote:
> I'd like to create and call a parameterized class from another class,
> both in modules.  Here's what I'm trying to do:
> First, my module path:
> ap00375@ROFTMA901A ~ $ sudo puppet apply --configprint modulepath
> /modules:/shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet:/shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/linux
> Here, you can see the two modules in question:
> ap00375@ROFTMA901A ~ $ find /shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/ -name
> 'init.pp'
> /shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/tws_node/manifests/init.pp
> /shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/filesys_group_acl/manifests/init.pp
> Here's the contents of tws_node's init.pp:
> class tws_node {
>   $userhome="/opt/IBM/TWS"
>   filesys_group_acl { "ibmtm_acl_group_ibmtm" :
> #    subscribe  => File["$userhome"],
>     dir => $userhome,
>     group => "ibmtm",
>   }
> }
> And the contents of filesys_group_acl's init.pp (the parameterized one)
> class filesys_group_acl ($dir = '', $group = '') {
>   exec { "apply_acl_${title}":
>     unless     => "/usr/bin/getfacl $dir 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep
> group:$group: > /dev/null",
>     command    => "/usr/bin/setfacl -R -m group:$group:rwx -m
> default:group:$group:rwx $dir",
>   }
> }
> And it's complaining about the parameterized class, filesys_group_acl:
> ap00375@ROFTMA901A ~ $ sudo puppet apply --noop --verbose  --execute
> "include tws_node"
> Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
> Invalid resource type filesys_group_acl at
> /shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/tws_node/manifests/init.pp:10 on
> node
> Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
> Invalid resource type filesys_group_acl at
> /shares/nfs/unixnoarch/config/puppet/tws_node/manifests/init.pp:10 on
> node
> Any help, please?  What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> -- Pat

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