
the most robust way to have puppet execute complex commands is to have
puppet deploy a trivial script comprising the command, then execute the
script sans arguments.


On 10/03/2013 12:27 AM, Jason Greathouse wrote:
> I'm trying to pass a url to an exec and at some point all the %
> characters are being stripped out of the string.  
> Here's my init.pp:
>   service { 'apache2':
>     ensure => running,
>     enable => true,
>     notify => Exec['AWSwait']
>   }
>   file { '/mnt/WaitResponse.json':
>     ensure => file,
>     owner  => 'root',
>     group  => 'root',
>     mode   => '0644',
>     source => 'puppet:///modules/api/WaitResponse.json'
>   }
>   exec { "/usr/bin/curl -T /mnt/WaitResponse.json \"${::mt_wait}\"":
>     onlyif   => '/usr/bin/wget -q -O /mnt/favicon.ico
> http://localhost/favicon.ico',
>     creates  => '/mnt/favicon.ico',
>     alias    => 'AWSwait',
>     require  => File['/mnt/WaitResponse.json']
>   }
> ::mt_wait is being generated by a custom facter script:
> # facter mt_wait
> https://cloudformation-waitcondition-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/arn%3Aaws%3Acloudformation%3Aus-east-1%3A106261427813%3Astack/api-qa-puppet-7/e9e86e20-2bac-11e3-8a8b-50e2416294a8/WaitHandle?Expires=1380837161&AWSAccessKeyId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&Signature=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> The Scheduling refresh looks correct:
> puppet-agent[5779]: (/Stage[main]/Api/Service[apache2]) Scheduling
> refresh of Exec[/usr/bin/curl -T /mnt/WaitResponse.json
> "https://cloudformation-waitcondition-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/arn%3Aaws%3Acloudformation%3Aus-east-1%3A106261427813%3Astack/api-qa-puppet-7/e9e86e20-2bac-11e3-8a8b-50e2416294a8/WaitHandle?Expires=1380837161&AWSAccessKeyId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&Signature=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";]
> But when it Exec Refresh runs, the "%" are missing:
> puppet-agent[5779]: (/Stage[main]/Api/Exec[/usr/bin/curl -T
> /mnt/WaitResponse.json
> "https://cloudformation-waitcondition-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/arn3Aaws3Acloudformation3Aus-east-13A1062614278133Astack/api-qa-puppet-7/e9e86e20-2bac-11e3-8a8b-50e2416294a8/WaitHandle?Expires=1380837161&AWSAccessKeyId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&Signature=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";])
> Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
> Is there a better way to pass the variable to exec then a double-quote
> or someway to escape the "%"?
> Thanks,
> -Jason 

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