Dumb question...have you tried loading the data into a hiera array since 
that's apparently what it's looking for?

Another dumb question...what's the pipe (|) for in your yaml data? 
Unfortunately, the hiera documentation on the Puppet site is a bit thin and 
I don't see that in the examples.



On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 3:43:00 PM UTC-7, David Patterson wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Alex!  I'm using puppet-3.3 and the nested directory 
> works fine...at least for more simple modules, heh!
> David
> On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 2:47:34 PM UTC-7, Alex Scoble wrote:
>> I personally couldn't get hiera to work with nested directories in the 
>> hiera.yaml.
>> In my case the hierarchy would look like:
>> :hierarchy:
>>   - defaults
>>   - "%{::clientcert}"
>>   - "%{::server_role}"
>>   - "%{::app_name}"
>>   - "%{::datacenter}"
>>   - global 
>> You might try it flattened like that and see if that works. Will at least 
>> let you know if nesting is the problem.
>> FYI, I'm using PE 3.0.1 and the version of hiera that comes with that, so 
>> there may be some differences with that and the version of hiera that you 
>> are using.
>> Hope that helps at least a little.
>> Regards,
>> Alex 
>> On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 9:47:19 AM UTC-7, David Patterson wrote:
>>> Hi all!  
>>> I'm trying to setup a puppet module for sudo that will write multiple 
>>> files with separate data for each file, all dependent on the hiera 
>>> hierarchy.  Here's the relevant portion of my hiera.yaml:
>>>> :hierarchy:
>>>>   - "datacenter/app/role/node/%{::clientcert}"
>>>>   - "datacenter/app/role/%{::server_role}"
>>>>   - "datacenter/app/%{::app_name}"
>>>>   - "datacenter/%{::datacenter}"
>>>>   - common
>>> Basically, a node can have different files in /etc/sudoers.d/ depending 
>>> on the structure above.  I want each sudoers definition to be in it's own 
>>> file in /etc/sudoers.d/.
>>> Here's how I have my data files laid out (yaml):
>>> common.yaml:
>>>> sudoers:
>>>>   - filename: app1_sudo
>>>>   - contents: |
>>>>                 %wheel   ALL=(ALL)   ALL
>>>>   - filename: app2_sudo
>>>>   - contents: |
>>>>                 %app2     ALL=(ALL)       ALL
>>>>                 %app3     ALL=(ALL)       ALL
>>> datacenter/datacenter.yaml:
>>>> sudoers:
>>>   - filename: datacenter1_sudo 
>>>   - contents: |
>>>                 %datacenter1   ALL=(ALL)   ALL
>>>   - filename: datacenter2_sudo
>>>   - contents: |
>>>                 %datacenter2     ALL=(ALL)       ALL
>>>                 %datacenter3     ALL=(ALL)       ALL
>>>  This is the closest I've been able to get, however, notice I'm not 
>>> using 'hiera_array', thus, only 1 level of hierarchy is written.
>>> class sudo_crap {
>>>   # Errors with:
>>>   # Error: Could not run: Hiera type mismatch: expected Array and got 
>>>> Hash
>>>   #create_resources(sudo_crap::sudo_configs, 
>>>> hiera_debug_array('sudoers'))
>>>>   # works for only one level of hierarchy
>>>   create_resources(sudo_crap::sudo_configs, hiera_debug('sudoers'))
>>>>   # Errors with:
>>>   # Error: Could not run: Hiera type mismatch: expected Array and got 
>>>> Hash
>>>   #create_resources(sudo_crap::sudo_configs, 
>>>> flatten(hiera_debug_array('sudoers')))
>>> }
>>>> define sudo_crap::sudo_configs($filename, $contents) {
>>>   file {"/tmp/etc/sudoers.d/$filename":
>>>     owner => root,
>>>     group => root,
>>>     mode  => 644,
>>>     content => $contents,
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> include sudo_crap
>>> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong and how I can solve this?  Hopefully with 
>>> some code examples :)  I've been banging my head on this for the better 
>>> part of 2 weeks :)
>>> Thanks!
>>> David

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